Chapter 30 (The fight)

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*Linn's POV*

His words echoed in my head "then don't be, come back to me cuz I'm coming back to you". I wanted to come back to him badly and when I didn't answer his eyes got teary and he took a few steps back but I took a few steps closer to him and I placed my hand on his cheek then I kissed him. What am I doing? I'm with George not Harry. I shouldn't been doing this, I'm a horrible person.

I pulled away and the look in his eyes they were shocked, I then just ran off. I couldn't take it why do I have to be so stupid?

I searched for George in the crowd of people inside and I finally saw him. I walked up to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I just didn't feel safe in his arms, it was something about it that felt wrong. I turned my face and saw Harry talking to a girl who I hadn't seen before and the jealousy almost took over my body and my muscles was not relaxed at all. George looked down at me and I gave him a small smile and he continued with his conversation with Zayn and Perrie.

- I'm gonna get something to drink. I said.

- Okay Hun. He said while kissing my temple.

I walked over to the kitchen and took a glass of water and when I turned around Harry's face was really close to mine. I could feel his warm minty breath against my skin. His eyes looked deeply into mine as his hand were placed on my hip.

- You know this is cheating right? I asked him.

- Yeah, I know but I love you to much to care.

Then his lips were pressed to mine and I kissed him back which I shouldn't have done. When we pulled away his eyes never left mine and he constantly licked his lips as he wanted more. Trust me this was not a perfect moment cuz 1 minute later George came into the room and I saw that he got filled with jealousy. He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, Harry rolled his eyes and took a few steps back.

- Why were you two standing so close to each other huh?

- Cuz we were talking and we couldn't hear over the music and the voices. I answered him.

- Well okay than, who is he?

- I'm Harry.

- Oh the famous Harry Styles, so how do you know each other except for that Celina and Louis are pretty tight.

- Urm....... I started.

- We met at...... a party where Celina and me and the boys were and got really tight. Harry lied. Except for the "really tight" part.

- Oh so how long have you been friends?

- About........ almost two years.

- oh okay.

He then said that he needed to use the bathroom and Harry and I start to talk. Just like friends but then he licked his lips and looked down at mine. I hated doing this I mean I just need to break up with George and then I'll go back to Harry but life isn't that easy. My life is a hot mess. Harry then leaved me in the kitchen and a drunk man came up to me. He placed his hand on my hip and pulled me closer. I recognized those eyes, they were grey with a tiny of brown in them and only one person can have those eyes and it was James. I quickly removed his hand from my hip and he looked really angry and I got really scared. He had abused me before and this could be one time more so I start to move around the people around me until I got to Harry. He was leaning against a wall and when he saw me his face got worried.

*Harry's POV*

Her face looked so scared when she came over to me. I placed her in my arms and she whispered "He's here Harry, he's here" over and over into my chest.

- Who?

- J-J-J-James. She cried into my chest.

- That fucking idiot. I told him to stay away from you.

- I know but he won't listen to you or anybody.

I calmed her down by stroking her back with my hand and she start to relax. I know I shouldn't say this but I'm really happy she went to me except George. Then I saw the big fat idiot. He didn't leave his eyes from her and he moved closer. I pulled Linn behind me and her arms were tightly around my left arm.

- So we meet again Styles. He screamed over the voices and the music.

Everybody stopped talking and you could only hear the music in the background. My eyes never left his and his brows were furrowed but his eyes were filled with fear. My hands formed into fists when he start to move closer.

- Why are you still protecting Linn? She's not yours anymore buddy! He almost screamed into my face.

- Do you still love her? You see it's not easy to get over a girl like her. You see that now don't you? Are you scared Styles? Of loosing her again like you've done so much cuz you've being an idiot. I know you two had something and it wasn't ordinary, you two had something special. Is it gone? I don't think so by the way you loom at her, talk about her and write songs about her. You see I'm not stupid Styles, I'm not stupid at all!

- Just shut up!

I could feel the anger start to rising inside me. I tried to calm down but I couldn't. I shut my eyes closed and opened them again, he was still there everyone around silent and looking at us. I found George beside Louis, Liam and Cel. They all looked worried but George looked both sad and confused.

- You see Styles, everyone in here can see that you're a kid with to many wishes and dreams with one girl. A girl that you can't keep your eyes from and she makes you feel depressed when she left you. Have she told her new boyfriend that you two were engaged?

Everyone looked really shocked. We hadn't told anybody about it, I hadn't even told Louis and Linn hadn't even told Cel.

- Oh so you hadn't told anyone. That's strange not even your best buds? Oh god I hope I didn't make this awkward.

- Who told you all of this? I asked with a really angry tone.

- Oh I call it spy's. You know when you kicked me out of Cel's and Louis' house that night, I called some friends and they have kept their eyes in all of you for a long time. Including the time where Linn had her depresses time. I'm not going on details on that.

- You're sick! Louis said.

- Oh, Tomlinson can talk but now back to Styles. I know we maybe aren't friends but I'm gonna make this clear we're at the same point right now. You know Linn leaves for another boy but you have it a bit easier than me. You see she moved from Sweden to England to get rid of me but she didn't.

- I know that I'm not as sick as you James. I don't abuse Linn like you did and I never will! You're just a poor guy without a life a d I want you to go out of that door and never come back understand me this time or I will clearly so the same as last time if not worse!

A/N: I'm not hating on George Shelley! I love him! But I just want Harry and him a both tense in the situation just as you know! And that James guy hum what r u thinking about him?


Hope you liked this chapter! Interesting huh? I think I'm gonna write the other chapter tomorrow cuz I'm filled with ideas right now! Yey!

Love you guys!❤

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