Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 (Linn’s P.O.V)

*3 months later*

I was sitting in the kitchen and waiting for Harry to come home. I start to get worried coz he said he would be home an hour ago. I decided to make dinner when the door flung open. I got filled with excitement but it wasn’t Harry that came thru the kitchen doorway it was Louis with teary eyes. Not a smile on his face, no happy body language, just a sad Louis that I’ve never seen before. He then looked into my eyes and I saw the tears in his eyes start to form. I hugged him and his arms hugged my waist. His sobs were loud and I felt really bad for him even if I didn’t know why he was this upset. 

- Lou, what is it?

- It’s Cel s-s-she got really angry at me for coming home an hour later and we start to arguing and she kicked me out.

- What? It can’t be true.

- Well Linn you heard me. I don’t think she love me like she used to she has changed Linn, she is not herself anymore. She isn’t the girl I fell in love with.

- Oh Lou…. I’m so sorry.

- It’s not your fault. She’s just different, you have at least not changed since Harry met you and I hope you see that he’s deeply in love with you. Cuz I don’t want him or you to loose someone you really love. I’m sorry I shouldn’t take this out on you, I mean you’re Celina’s best friend and

- Louis stop! I’m your best friend too, you can tell me anything okay! Okey?

- Thank you Linn.

- No worries Lou.

I hugged him once more and he hugged me back. He pulled back a few minutes later.

- Yeah Linn I really need to tell you this.

- Okay, now I got worried.

- Celina think that you and I have a love affair just because we have been good friends lately. I don’t know why she thinks that I mean I would never see you as more than a friend when your with Harry and your my friend I don’t think of you like that.

- Okey, this is just to stupid to be true. I couldn’t think if you as a lover boy and I would never cheat on Harry and you would never cheat on Cel. I mean you got married 3 months ago!

- Well I also think it’s stupid.

I picked up my phone and typed in Cel’s number. This need to end!

- Linn? Why are you calling? Is Louis there, are you guys having fun, is he a good fucking buddy huh?

- Cel stop! You being so stupid! Louis would never do anything like that to you and not me either! Do you think that cuz Louis and I are great friends and you just being really jealous? And do you really think that he would have married you if he was cheating on you? I just think you get this to far this time Cel.

- Oh you think that I’m going to believe that bullshit? That I’m just gonna sit here take him back without proof?

- Yeah cuz it’s the truth Cel! I’m so tired of you and Louis’ arguing and do you love him? Cuz he’s deeply in love with you and you can’t play with him like a toy! He has just as much feelings like you!

- I’m not playing with him like a toy and you’re supposed to be on my side not on his we’ve been friends since 6th grade Linn.

- I know we’ve been friends that long Cel but……… I just miss my friend and you are not that friend anymore you’ve changed into a person I’ve never thought that you could be and I’m scared of losing my old best friend that I start to hang out with and the one Louis got in love with not the bitchy Cel. Just think of what you’ve done.

And with that I hung up the phone and I saw that Louis got tear satined cheeks and I felt really sorry for him. I hugged him tight and he sobbed into my hair. I heard the door burst open and an angry Harry came into the kitchen. His eyes got filled with more anger with his sight. I let go if Lou and he sat down on the chair.

- What are he doing here?

- He is here cuz of Cel and why are you angry?

- I’m angry cuz Cel called me and told me that you and Louis are having a love affair! Is it true Li?

- NO! It’s not true why….

- Don’t lie to me Linn!

- I’m not lying Harry! Why do you think that I would cheat on you?!

- I don’t know! You maybe don’t love me or you felt lonely! I don’t fucking know!

- Well I’m not! 

- Are you cheating on me Linn? Are you?!

- NO! Why can’t you believe me?!

- I don’t know. Because Cel told me you’ve been cheating before! 

- I’ve never cheating on anybody! I’ve just been together with James before you and it doesn’t seem like you care about my feelings!

- I care about your feelings Linn!

- But it doesn’t seem like it! Cuz it’s like you’re telling me that I’m a player.

- And maybe you are I 

- What is that what you think about me? 

- No Linn, I didn’t mean it like that. Please sorry!

He walked closer to me and I could feel tears steaming down my face. I walked out of the room and I heard Louis and Harry. “I think you were a bit harsh Harry!” ” I think I was I mean I love her Lou! I don’t know why I believed Cel” 

I locked myself inside the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I looked horrible. My voice cracking from all the screaming. I’ve never fight this much with Harry before. I placed my fingers on the “H” on my necklace and I remembered the day Harry got it for me. I then looked down on my wrists, they were filled with scars and they were ugly. I looked up at my reelection again and thought “Why is Harry in love with me?” 

I heard a knock on the door. I didn’t answer it. I just stood there, I couldn’t move!

- Babe please forgive me, I’m just an idiot. I love you more than anything I don’t want to loose you again, I can’t! Your my other half, you’re my everything. Please let me inside.

I locked up the door and just looked at him. His eyes were red and filled with tears. 

- Please kitten forgive me.

- I love you Haz, I could never leave you!

I kissed him passionately and his hand were cupping my face. My hands quickly found his hair. 

- I love you Linn. More than words can say.

- I love you just as much babe.

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