Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 (Linn’s P.O.V)

Today was the day that my best friend would get married. I was still mad at her for ignore me 6 months but I’m still here now. I had a withe lace dress, nude heels, many many bracelets to cover up my cuts and a necklace. My hair was down in loose curls and my makeup was an dramatic smokey eye. I was really nervous to meet Harry again. I loved him but he had moved on. His new girl was with him here and clearly Cel and that girl had become really close friends. Which made me even more jealous and mad. I tried to cover it but I think I failed cuz Liam looked at me and hugged me and said “that this day will be over soon”. When I saw Harry in the suit my knees went weaker. My heart start to beat really fast and I was speech less. He walked up to Liam and he gave Harry a really killing look that even scared me a bit. I stood a bit behind Liam and looked at Harry. His eyes walked from Liam to me and I quickly turned my eyes to Zayn and Perrie. I was just about to walk up to them when Liam took my arm and start to walk along with me. We sat down in the bench. Harry sat beside me and I felt really uncomfortable. Harry and the girl beside him hold hands . Not like we used. Their fingers were not locked together and it seemed like Harry didn’t want to hold her hand but did it just cuz it looked good. I got cut off in my thoughts by the music and everybody stand up. I think I did it without realizing it. I saw Celina walk down the aisle and she looked really happy. She looked around like she was searching for someone and when her eyes met mine her smile grew bigger. Everybody sat now down and when they had said their yes’s everybody whistled and clapped. I just stood there in shock. When they had walked out everybody start to get out to cars and drive back to the party. The place was amazing but I didn’t enjoy it. I was to jealous of Harry and that chic. I wanted him. I followed Liam and I was happily place beside him. I sat right next to Cel’s mom. She looked so happy when Cel and Louis entered the building. They looked stunning. Louis saw me and a smile appeared on his lips and he whispered something to Cel. They sat down and the hours flew away. But I just sat there talking to Liam those hours. I really needed to go to bathroom and I went. When I sat there I heard someone talk. I didn’t recognize the voice. ” I don’t care if Harry isn’t lucky when he is with me. If he wants to be happy he would still be with that ugly girl he met before me and by the way he’s mine now!” 

Then I heard a familiar voice it was Perrie’s. ” slow down there girl. She is not ugly and by the way he loves Linn and not you. He had said it me and he miss her. He is just with you cuz he tries to get over her!” 

And with that the bitch left the room. I walked out of the booth and Perrie looked at me.

- Omg! I’m so happy to see you Linn.

- I’m so happy to see you too.

We hugged each other and walked back to the big room but when we walked past a room we heard Harry and that girl fighting. We stopped to listen and about two minutes later she stormed out of the room and out of the building. Perrie and I looked at each other and then Harry came out of the room. He didn’t look sad or anything just relieved. He saw me and stopped walking. Perrie left us alone and we just stood there looking at each other.

- Hi. 

Harry finally came up with.

- Hi, how have you been. 

My voice start to crack.

- Not good. I’ve missed you terribly.

- I’ve missed you too.

His eyes went from his feet to my eyes. A small smile appeared on his lips. A smile appeared on mine too. He walked closer to me and my knees went weaker. He took my hands and saw the bracelet he gave me for Christmas present. A bigger smile appeared on his lips but then it fall. He moved the many bracelets I had to cover the scars. He looked me in the eyes and looked really worried.

- Why?

- I missed you……

- Why didn’t you say so?

- I was afraid.

- For what?

- That you wouldn’t love me anymore.

- How can you think that?

- I always think like that.

- Don’t!

He leaned in and kissed me. His lips were soft and warm. The kiss was passionate and loving. Which made me want him more. I pulled away and we both smiled.

- I love you.

- I love you too Harry.

He kissed me once more and pushed me against the wall. This kiss was more passionate and rough. He pulled away and looked deeply in my eyes. He took my hand and walked back to the party. Everyone had change places so he sat down next to me and we start to talk. After awhile they start to play my favorite song. It was Beautiful by Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen. I start to sing along and Harry took my hand and we walked over to the dance floor and he put his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck. He kissed me softly and I kissed him back. When I pulled away Louis came up to Harry and asked what he was doing and he answered ” I’m dancing with my girl”

A smile appeared on Louis face and he rubbed my back and pulled me closer to Harry and the he left back to Cel. Harry and I left short after back at his place actually it was Louis and Cel’s flat. He moved back there after the break up. When we got inside he kissed me roughly and pushed me against the wall. His hands were on my hips and mine was locked in his curls. He picked me up and carried me up to the bedroom. He lay me down on the bed and he looked deeply in my eyes. He then start to kiss me down my neck and then on my lips again. I can say that, that night was amazing……….

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