Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 ( Celinas P.O.V)

* 1 month after the break up*

Louis and I were at Harry’s apartment to get the rest of Linn’s stuff. Harry hadn’t left the spot on the couch since we came and we had been here since 2 hours back. I walked over to him and he looked at me. His eyes were all red and swollen. I’ve never seen anyone this heartbroken before.

- Harry, you need to try to get over her. She won’t come back.

- How do you know. She dosen’t even speak to you.

- Please Harry, get up and help me find her stuff.

- No, I’m not helping you guys move her stuff out of here. I want her back. She is my other half Cel, she’s my everything.

I didn’t say anything. He was so heartbroken and he really cared about her. Sometimes I wonder if she know how much he loves her. I just know that Liam said to Louis that she is totally destroyed. I really need to meet her. I’m going there after I’ve been done here.

- Harry! COME HERE NOW!! I heard Louis yell from the bedroom.

- I’m coming……… His voice was really low and he slowly walked towards the bedroom. I followed him.

- Harry what is this?

Louis held up Linn’s old sweater. Harry got her it when they were in America.

- It’s……. Linn’s sweater.

- And you have it cuz??

- Cuz it has her smell on it and I can’t sleep without it.

- Oh…. Harry you’re really heartbroken. Louis said while walking towards him and than gave him a hug.

- Harry I think you need to meet Linn. Come with me I’m going there today. I said and tried to sound happy.

- I-I-I-I d-don’t think that’s a good idea Cel……

- Okey but call us later. Okey?

- Yeah.

I walked out of the apartment. Louis stayed for a bit longer. I drove to Liam’s flat and knocked on the door. I had somethings of Linn with me cuz it wasen’t so many things left or things that Harry didn’t want us to take. Liam finally opened the door and a small smile appeared on his face.

- Hi Cel. I’m happy to see you.’

- I’m happy that I finally got here.

- Wel how is it with Louis and your baby?’

- They are fine Louis are at Harry’s flat with Lucy right now.

- Oh well come in.

- Thanks.

I walked inside and saw Linn and Danielle on the sofa watching some movie.

- Linn there is someone that want to see you. Liam said while walking towards Linn and Danielle. I followed him and sat down beside Linn she looked really heartbroken too. This was horrible to see. Harry thought Linn had got over him and Linn thought Harry probably had let her go. 

- Liam, Danielle can I talk to Linn private.

- Of course.

Liam and Danielle walked away and I was alone with her.

- So…. what do want Cel?

- I just came from Harry’s and he is……

- He’s what?

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora