Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 

(Linn’s P.O.V)

*2 hours later*

Harry had fallen asleep on my chest, he looked so peaceful and super cute. My fingers slowly traced his face and neck. When I got to his lips again, a big smile appeared on his face, a light chuckle came along. His arms wrapped tighter around my waist and he pulled me closer. He placed a light kiss on my cheek and hovered over me. He brushed a pice of hair out of my face and he looked deeply into my eyes. His smile grew bigger and I couldn’t keep myself from smiling either. He leaned closer and kissed me on the lips. I placed my hands on his neck and pulled him closer. 

* at 8 pm*

Harry and I were sitting on the sofa with Lucy, she was playing with her toys and we were watching some tv show that Harry liked. He had his arm around my waist, he pulled me closer. If that even was possible, he placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I slowly drifted of to sleep. When I woke up I was in my bed and Harry wasn’t there. I sat up and looked around the room. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt and pulled my hair up in a top bun. I walked down stairs to find Celina and Louis on the couch. I start to panic and rushed upstairs again. It was only Louis who knew that me and Harry were back together and I didn’t want to tell Cel now in Harry’s house. She didn’t know that I’ve been here and watched over Lucy with Harry. I think she is still mad at me for just leaving Harry. But what should I’ve done, I mean I really believed that fan that said it. I’m just human. I sat down on the bed and turned the computer on. I looked thru twitter and tumblr. No one knew about that it was me that was on that tumblr account, so it was a bit funny to write and just pretend that I’m someone else. I heard someone walk inside the door and I looked up from the screen, it was Louis.

- Hi, Panda.

- Hi, Lou.

- So have you been here these weeks?

- Yeah………

- I’m glad you were cuz I don’t think would’ve make it without you.

- Well I think I could take that as a compliment.

We both laughed and he sat down on the bed. 

- Just as you know Linn, Celina is missing you like hell and can’t stop complaining herself for being mad at you.

- I miss her too but…….

- But you don’t know how to tell her that you’re back with Harry.

- Exactly.

- But you can just tell her when you’re ready.

- Yeah.

He patted my knee and walked out of the room. I leaned against the wall and wished I never left Harry in the first place. I’ve been so depressed and sad but at least I’m happy now. I mean I’ve got the most perfect fiancé in the world. I heard footsteps outside the door and I quickly walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. 

- Babe? Are you in here?

- Yea I’m in the bathroom.

I saw the handle of the door slowly bend downwards. His beautiful face appeared in the doorway. He makes me smile by just looking at me with those amazing green eyes. He kneed down in front of me and placed his hands on my thighs. He looked deeply into my teary eyes. One of his hands moved up to my cheek and his thumb stroke my cheek and pulled some of my hair out of my face.

- Hey, kitten why are crying?

- I-I-I j-just…….. miss t-t-to have Cel by my side Haz.

- Why don’t you just talk to her Hun. She’s downstairs, just talk to her.

- I can’t Harry, she wouldn’t understand why I’m back together with you. She thought that I didn’t love you and she never understood why I left you and I didn’t do either. I don’t know if I can forgive her for not talking to me in months then invite me to the wedding and insist me to go and she didn’t even say I miss you. 

- Baby, why haven’t you told me this? Just don’t forget that I love you and you mean the world to me kitten. Nothing can ever change that.

- I love you too baby, but I really need to tell you something that happened before we met.

- Yea………….

- I-I was really depressed and I wanted to do a suicide. I was so down and it was when James broke up with me cuz I really loved him and then I decided to just move on with my life and asked Celina if she would like to move to London with me and she gladly accepted and I met you. I fell in love again really madly and I’m so happy that I found you Harry. You really mean the world to me and if I hadn’t met you I maybe haven’t been alive.

- Oh my gosh Linn, I hadn’t a clue that you’ve been so hurt before. I would never do that to you.

- It’s only you who know about it. Not even Cel know about it, so please don’t tell anyone. 

- Okay I promise I won’t tell anyone.

He stroked my cheek and I saw tears had formed in his eyes. I placed a hand on his cheek and pulled him closer to me and kissed him passionately. I still got the butterflies and fireworks in my stomach when he kissed me or touched me. Our lips moved in sync. He stopped when we heard a noise in the bedroom.

- Harry? Are you in here? I just want to ask you something.

It was Cel.

- Yea I’m in the bathroom I’m coming soon.

- Well, I really need to tell you without Louis hear it.

- Well what is it?

- Can I come in? 

- Yea in minute.

He pulled me up and pushed me into the shower and pulled the shower curtain so she couldn’t see me.

- You can come inside.

- Okey Harry this is really important for me to tell and Linn won’t talk to me so…….. You maybe know that Linn and I have been best friends since 6th grade and I really miss her and I think I overreacted a bit when she left and I truly truly wish that she would forgive me but I don’t think she does. But can you tell her that I’m really really sorry and that I want her back in her life.

- Okey well I’m gonna tell her.

- Okay good. Well I see you downstairs. 

With that she walked out of the room and I from the shower.

- You heard everything right?

- Yeah.

- Are you going to forgive her?

- I think so.

- Good.

He pulled me closer and placed a gentle kiss on my lips and hugged me tight.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora