Chapter 28

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*Harry's POV*

After we had sang all the songs of the album , we decided to play " Same Mistakes " and I immediately start thinking about me and Linn's relationship. I miss her, badly but I don't think she will be with me anymore. I'm a famous boy who can't have his life private and can't keep the girl he loves just because some of mine and the boys fans are just freakin scary. They did so my girl left. That's why every girl I start to date they came after them and hate them until they leave. I'm never getting my life back.

In just the same moment as we ended the song Linn entered the room, she was so beautiful. Like she always are to me. Harry stop staring she will found out your weakness. She said something to Cel and then she leaved. Well that was that and now I'm just standing here with a lump in my throat. I took my jean jacket and walked out of the room.

- Harry wait! Liam screamed after me. I stopped and he walked in front of me.

- Harry? What is it with you? You've been ignoring me and when we rehearse you're just singing and standing there. You're not goofing around anymore and you're not you. What happened?

- The break up happened Liam, it destroyed my life and I can never love another girl again. The love of my life is gone, she's gone.

- Harry just stop okay why don't you go and get her back then, she still love you and you have no idea what her thoughts are right now and she don't want me to tell you but I think I need to.

- What are you saying?

- She doesn't want to live anymore Harry, she says that her life is miserable without you and that she will never find anyone better, trust me I've tried to make up new dates to her and I've tried everything to make her go back to normal but the only you can do that. Please at least talk to her, please.

- I'll talk to her.

- Good.

I walked past him and walked out to my car and drove over to Linn's place. I didn't bother to knock on the door I just opened it and walked inside. The apartment were nice and clean and it smelled just like her. God I miss her, I start to walk around and search for her. I stopped by her bedroom when I heard sobbing, I slowly opened the door and I saw her on the bed hugging her pillow and her cheeks were stained with tears. I sat down on the bed and rubbed her back lightly, her face turned to me and more tears start to form in her eyes and she looked away.

- Why are you here Harry?

- I'm here because what Liam told me. Is it true?

- I can't believe he told you. He is the only one I can trust and the only one I told.

- But please Linn don't leave me! I need you.

- No one needs me, you just saying that cuz Liam send you here an-

- Linn just stop! I really need you.

She sat up and wiped her tears away and looked at me.

- Really?

- Yeah, you're perfect and I don't know why it took me 6 months to make it good between the two of us.

- Yeah I just want you to know that I love you but I just want to stay friends Harry.

- Yeah just a friend to a friend, are you seeing someone?

- Well........ I've been seeing someone.

- Okay. I need to go.

- Already?

- Yeah the boys are coming over later so I need to go.

- Well I see you.

- Yeah.

I walked out of her apartment and I could feel the tears burn in my eyes and I can't believe she is dating someone else. This is horrible, I drove home where the boys were waiting on me.

- Hey man! Why are you late? Louis sheered.

- I just did some business.

- Really? Niall said.

- Yeah.

- Dude we saw you driving from Linn's place. Why were you there? Zayn asked.

- I know why he was there and how did it go? Liam said.

I walked over to the couch and sat down and ran my fingers thru my hair. The boys sat down also.

- She's dating someone else.

- Who? They asked in choir.

- I don't know guys, I got to emotional to ask her.

- I'm sorry man. Zayn said.

I could feel tears start to form in my eyes and as I stood up my phone start buzzing and I looked at it. Ed had send me a picture if Linn and George Shelley from Union J. Is that the one she's dating.

- WHY HIM? I nearly screamed.

- Hey! Harry what is it? Liam asked while putting his hand on my shoulder. I gave him the phone and his eyes got wide.

- Hey, guys what is it? Niall said while looking at us both.

- Linn is dating George Shelley. Liam said and I could feel the anger raising inside me.

- What? I mean why would she date him? He's not even good looking. Louis said.

- No! No one can make up to those curls and abs by the Styles. Zayn said while poking my abs.

- Hey and don't forget those muscular arms of his. Niall said while pointing at my biceps.

- Guys! I know you're trying to make me feel better but I'll never get her back now. George is a great guy and she deserve that.

- Man I get it. But you just can't give up on her, she's your dream girl. Niall said while giving me a small smile.

I could feel a tears roll down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away and I walked up to the bedroom and sat down in the bed which I used to share with Linn and all the memories start to come back to me all the good memories like when I first felt her lips against mine, the first time we went on a date, the first time we did it, the first time I felt her naked skin against mine, the first time she complained by how she looked and I comforted her, the first time I was by her side and the first time I got asked about her on a live tv show. We have done so much together both good and bad. Holy crap I love that girl more than I've ever loved someone before she's my everything and I blew it all off when I just let her leave. Gosh I hate myself for letting her go and now she's into another guy. Yeah he's in her age and maybe that's why but I'm only 3 years older than her and he's 19 just as her and I'm good enough to take care of her and give her the things she needs. She's mine only mine. I got interrupted in my thoughts when Louis entered the room.

- Harry, I know you're upset about this but I think she's gone.

- NO! Don't say that Lou! She's mine.....

- Haz, listen to me she's George's n-


- Harry calm down. She moved on you need too.

- No! I can't, I've tried trust me I've tried and I can never have a girl like her again. No one that perfect or kind, she has flaws but she's more than perfect to me Lou.

In the last sentence my voice cracked and tears rolled down my cheeks and I hit the nightstand with my foot and it almost broke.

- Harry! Calm DOWN!

- I can't she's mine Lou! I LOVE HER!

- I know I know. Maybe you'll get her back one day and I really hope you do.

He hugged me and patted my back and then he leaved the room.

- She's mine and I never gonna stop trying to get her back.

Hope you liked it!

Feedback would be loved thank you! Love you guys!❤


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