Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 (Linn’s P.O.V)

I still lived at Liam’s place and Harry lived on his own. I missed Cel and Louis but today I’m going to babysit Lucy. It’s going to fun. I loved to play with her. Her soft skin, small hands. She looked really like her dad. She had Louis eyes and mouth, she had Cel’s nose and round face. Her hair was a dark brown shade and she was a beautiful baby. I sat with her on the sofa when Cel and Louis was about to leave. When they came down the stairs they looked just as they did when they first met. Totally in love and happy. I think they never gonna end this relationship EVER. When they opened the door someone stood outside. I recognized the face immidantly. It was James. My ex. God I hated that boy and what the fuck are he doing here.

- James?

- Hi Celina is Linn here?

- Yeah, and why are you here?

- I’m here to talk to Linn.

- Okey you can talk to her but just talk. Louis said and he sounded like my dad. It was kinda funny.

They closed the door behind them and leaved me with James. I hold on to Lucy as close to me as possible.

- What are you doing here James?

- I’m here cuz I want you back.

- James, I’m not taking you back what you have done to me. Plus I’m with someone else.

- Someone else? Is it your child?

- Yes and no.

- What?

- Yes I’m with someone else and no the child is not mine.

- Okey but who’s child is it then?

- It’s Cel’s.

- Cel’s?

- Yeah

- Who is the father to this cute little child?

- Louis.

- Louis who?

- Louis Tomlinson.

- Really? That gay boy from One Direction?

- He’s not gay he’s with Cel and he dresses really nice.

- Then who are you with then?

- Harry.

- Harry who?

- You don’t need to know everything about my life okey. You ruind it.

- I have not ruined your life sugarpop.

- Yes you have and don’t call me sugarpop!

I walked up stairs and lay Lucy down in her bed. I heard James behind me and I couldn’t take this anymore. I walked out of the room and walked past James. I took my phone from the sofa and texted Harry to come. He send back that he will be there in 10 minutes. I heard footstep behind me and I could then feel James’s hands on my hips. I tried to get out of his grip. His grip hardend and it started to hurt a bit. I pushed his chest but he just looked in my eyes and they were darker than before. He kissed me roughly. It wasen’t an passionate kiss it was something that hurt. I pushed him away and he started to get angry at me. I saw it in is eyes. His hand slowly moved from his side up to my face level and he hit me. It hurted really bad. He hit me once more.



He screamed really loud that I didn’t heard that Harry came in. I just saw a shadow behind James.

- HEY! What are you doing to my girl?


- Yeah!

I saw that Harry got really angry. His eyes darkend and his hands wasn’t relaxed at all. My face hurted and I placed an hand on my cheek. James turned around to face Harry. Harry was almost double as long as James and I felt like Harry would hurt James and I was right. Just in that moment Harry hit James in the stomach and pushed him out of the house.


His scream made me feel a bit scared of him but I knew he didn’t gonna hurt me. He closed the door and walked into the kitchen. He walked to me with an ice bag in his hands and gave it to me. I placed it on my cheek and Harry wraped his arm around me. I felt so protected in his arms. I put the ice down and looked at him. His eyes were looking at me already.

- Babe, I’m so sorry of what happend.

- Babe, it wasen’t you who hit me.

- No I know but I feel sorry for you. Is that the guy who cheated on you and stopped talking to you when you moved?

- Yeah…….

- And who the fuck let him inside?

- Louis.

- Louis. Omg I’m gonna kill him.

- No please don’t kill your best friend Harry.

We both started to laugh and he kissed my cheek really carefully. A smile appeared on my face and I cuddled up against his side. He turned the tv on and then Lucy started to scream.

- I take it.

- No babe I do it wait here I take her down.

- Okey be careful Haz.

- I will.

I watched him walk up stairs. He returned down with Lucy in his arms. She looked so small and pecefull in his arms. He sat down beside me and placed Lucy in my arms. Her eyes were looking right into mine and her hands were wraped around my fingers.

- You will be a great mom. Harry whispered in my ear then leaved a small kiss behind it.

- And you will be a great dad. I whispered back. 

He leaved a small kiss on my lips and when he had leved my lips Cel and  Louis came home.

- Why is my flowers down outside Linn?

- Erm…….. It happend something.

- What? Oh you look so cute.

- Linn what happend to your face? Louis said really worried.

- Erm…….

Cel took Lucy in her arms and was waiting for me to answer.

- Please say what happend. She said and now both of them were worried.

- You know that James guy you let inside?

- Yeah.

- Yeah he hit Linn a several times before I got here and I kinda broke your flower outside when I pushed him out.

- Oh! Linn I’m so sorry.

- Don’t worry it dosen’t hurt anymore.

- Okey but I feel really bad that I let him inside Linn I’m sorry.

- No it’s nothing.

We continued to have a nice evening and after an hour or so Harry and I left. Harry drove back to his place. He wanted me to stay with him tonight so he can protect me.

- Do you want something to eat honey?

- Yes thanks baby.

- Do you want a sandwich?

- Yeah.

I sat down on the sofa and whatched Harry while he was doing the sandwich. He walked over to me and placed my legs on his lap and gave me the sandwich and a cup of tea. He was the perfect boyfriend I’ve ever had and I really hoped that he was my last. I placed the plate on the couch table and looked at Harry. He was already looking at me. He took my hand and pulled me on to his lap. He kissed me passionatly and loving. It felt so right to have him with me.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now