Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Linns P.O.V)

Our fingers were locked together as we walked back to mine and Celinas flat. I didn’t want to let go from him but I had to every time Louis or Celina looked back at us. We all laught and didn’t notice all paps. When we got to our flat we decided to watch a movie. We watched Sleepy Hallows. Celina and Louis cuddled up in one side of the couch and I sat next Harry. I was really bored by the movie. I didn’t really enjoy the choice. It didn’t seem like Harry didn’t etheir so took a hand full of popcorn and throw it on him. I stared to laugh at his expression and he took more popcorn and throwed it at me. He started to laugh really loud and Louis looked at us with a weird expression. Louis slowly moved to the big popcorn bowl stook his hand in the bowl took a big hand with popcorn and throwed it on Harry and said that he sould keep the noice down. We switched looks and we looked at Celina and Louis with a scary look. 

- What are you thinking of to do? Celina asked.

- You have no idea. Harry and I said in chorus.

We moved closer to them and stated to tickle them. Celina knowed exactly where I was the most tickley. She started to tickle me on my waist and I laughed so much that I started to scream. She stopped cus she laughed so hard that she almost couldn’t breath. The boys started to laugh at me and I couldn’t stop to laugh eatheir. 

* 4 monthes later*

I walked down to the kitchen. I was so hungover it felt like my head would explode. When I came down to the kitchen I saw Harry on the couch with a blonde girl. I didn’t know what to do. I tried not to be jealous. I know that we was on one date but it was 2 monthes ago. He had totally forgot that I always wanted to be more than friends but I think he just wanted to be friends. I walked over to the kitchen and took a big glas of water and asprin and walked back to my room. I laid back on the bed and tried not to cry. Why did I move in with Celina here I asked myself. This situation just did it worse. You see 2 monthes ago Celina and Louis decided to move in together and Celina wanted me to come with her since Harry also lived with Louis. She have no idea that I and Harry had something before. I tried to stay calmed and we moved in the boys. Celina was my best girlfriend but Liam was always there for me she wasen’t which was alot cu Celina and Louis was so tight and they where always together except for when Louis had rehersal or went out with the boys but I still loved her. Even if Louis took her from me and I still have Liam. I took up my phone and called Liam. It took awhile for him to answer.


- Hey it’s me

Hi! Pandabear, whats up?

- Oh nothing just saw Harry with a blonde girl cuddleing on the couch.

Oh! Poor panda. What can I do?

- Just take me away from here. Please!

You can come to me and Dani. Come baby panda.

I’m comming. Maybe 30 minutes or so see you Li.

See yah pandabear.

I raised myself from the spot on the bed. I moved to the closet and took my big white bag and put in some clothes and other stuff. I got dressed and put some mascara on and put my glasses on. I put my hair up in a ponytail and took on my white converse. I just had an big t-shirt with a pandabear print in the front and my black skinny jeans. I brused my teeth and put the toothbrush in the bag and head my way down to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen I saw Harry and he saw me. His eyes where red and puffy.

- Have you cried? I asked.

- Maybe. Do you love me Linn? 

- I don’t know Harry. 

I couldn’t come up with something else. Of course I love him but I was scared.

- Just as you know Linn I love you and nothing can change that. Cus you’re beautiful, amazing, lovley and funny. You’re perfect I don’t regret that night 4 monthes ago. When I saw you at the airport I knew you where the one. I love you.

- I love you too.

- You do?

- Of course I do. You’re amazing Harry. You’re one of the most kindest person I’ve ever met. I love you.

He didn’t say anything the only thing he did was to smile at me really big and he walked closer to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and kissed his bare chest. He pulled back and looked right into my eyes. He leand in and kissed me. I of course kissed him back. My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I pulled away. I awnsered.

- Are you comming?

-Yeah! I’m on my way Li.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now