Chapter 50 I Do (Final*)

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We Met At The Airport

Chapter 50 (I Do) Final*

*Louis's POV*

I was at the hospital with Lucy in my arms as Cel was in labor. I was waiting for the boys and Linn to come so I could be with my darling right now. Finally after about 7 minutes Linn came. She came jogging up to me and I have her a very sleepy Lucy over to her.

"How's Celina?" She asked looking at me in concern.

"I don't really know, I probably should go in there"

"Yeah, I'll take care of Lucy"

"Thanks love"

*Linn's POV*

"Thanks love" Louis said as he walked into the room. Harry was on his way with Daisy and Lucy slowly drifting of to sleep in my arms. She looked so much like Louis, she was so adorable. Finally after 20 minutes or so Perrie came, I was so happy to have someone to talk to. I knew that Harry and the boys will be late, just because of recording. Harry had sent Daisy with Perrie just cause Harry was too busy.

"Hi Linn, how's Cel?" Perrie asked with a cheering tone.

"I don't know she's still in labor, I have actually no clue how she's doing right now" I said a bit down.

" long has she been in there?" Perrie asked while parking the stroller on the side of the bench/sofa and sat down.

"Maybe an hour or even longer, I just came 20 minutes ago"

"Oh... well I hope she's doing fine"

"Yeah, hope so"

*An hour later*

All the of the boys sat down and waited nervously. Daisy placed in my arms and Lucy in Perrie's arms. Lucy was crying like crazy and we couldn't get her to stop. Finally the door opened reliving a smiling Louis. I'm guessing that the baby is born.

"It's a boy" he said happily and was smiling like crazy.

"Congratulations mate" Zayn said as he patted his shoulder.

"What's his name?" Harry asked.

"William" Louis answered proudly making me smile.

*7 months later*

*Celina's POV*

I was in the kitchen making breakfast to my lovely little family, Louis was in the shower, Lucy was parked in the sofa watching tv and William was in the highchair by the table playing with his cars. I felt two strong arms around my waist as I made pancakes.

"Good morning love" Louis whispered in my ear and leaving a soft kiss there.

"Good morning honey" I answered laying the last pancake on the plate. I turned around only to feel Louis' lips on mine as he pulled me closer.

"What's on the planer today?" He asked.

"Nothing special just be at home" I said as I sat the plate full of pancakes on the table.

"Lucy, breakfast ready!" I said and she came running.

"Coming mom" She yelled as she sat down next to Louis. I looked thru the mail when my eyes caught a light pink envelope with nice handwriting on the front. I slowly opened it and inside was a beautiful pastel pink and pastel purple card. It was decorated with pearls and nice text. I opened it and on the inside it stood like this:

To The Dear Family Tomlinson, you're invited to our wedding on the Saturday 12th of June at 15.00 pm, in the church and later on in our backyard. It would be an honour to have you here, don't forget the tux and the cute dress. Cause love is all this night is about. Big love from Harry & Linn.

We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now