Chapter 47

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We met at the airport

Chapter 47

*Linn's POV*

*3 days later*

I was on the airport, waiting to board the plane. I was still heartbroken about the break up with Harry. Why did I say that and did my brother need to talk to me when I was on the phone? Why? My life is now ruined by one mistake that's not fair but I'm on my way over to California to talk to George. Yup that's right the boy who I was with before I got back with Harry, that I kind of still like. Well he's at the studio there recording their new album. When the plane had landed and all the passengers had gone off, I boarded the plane. I sat down and I had a 8 hour flight in front of me, yey! I'm gonna have so much fun or not! After 8 hours I was finally in USA and I called George.


"Hi, well can I see you at the studio?"

"Are you in Cali?"


"Well then you can come, why do you wanna see me?"

"Well I need to talk to someone so"

"Okay but I can meet you somewhere"

"Yeah at Starbucks near the airport?"

"Yeah I see you there in 5?"

"Yeah bye"


Okay I'm going to see my ex and ask him to help me raise a child that I'm sure Harry isn't mature enough to raise. George is a lot more mature and now I sound like I've got doubt about Harry being a father but he would take care of the baby good but I'm not sure if my feelings for him are true anymore. I mean we've been together for almost 2 years and I'm happy with but it just don't work. Oh god I'm fucking up my mind right now. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and on the screen there was a picture of Harry. First I didn't want to answer it just because I'm still mad at him for not listening to me but I answered anyway.


"Hi" Harry said with a super low voice like he's been crying for days.

"What do you want? Blaming me for being with my brother? Saying I'm cheating when I'm clearly not because I love you"

"I'm not blaming you, I had super wrong Linn and I've never been so mad at myself for hurting you like this. But I jut want you to know that I understand if you don't want me to help you with the baby cause I'm a stupid-"

"Harry stop you're not stupid and I want you to help me but I'm not quite sure if it's a good idea to get back together"

"Well I am stupid to let you go and I just want you to know I'm in love with you and I think I'll never get over you"


"You don't need to answer Linn, I already know your choice and I respect it and I'm not going to be at home I'm going to California to record but I hope I can see you and talk about this later"

"Y-Y-Yeah of course but I'm not at home either"

"Okay where are you then?"

"Just not home okay!"

"Sorry for asking, bye"


I hung up the phone and I saw George so I waved at him. He waved back and he walked up to me. He gave me a quick hug.

"Hello" George said with a happy voice.

"Hi" I said trying to sound happier than I was.

"So what's the big deal you're here?"

"Well Harry and I broke up"


"And I'm pregnant so I need somewhere to go and I couldn't think of anyone than you...."

"I can take care of you Linn" He said giving me a tight hug letting me cry on his shoulder.

"Shh... I'll take care of you and I'm sure that Harry will get you back soon enough Hun-"

"I don't want him back, I want you back"

*5 months later*

*Harry's POV*

I haven't heard anything from Linn since 5 months ago. I miss her and its soon time for the baby to come. I've seen her with George a lot and I don't blame her for leaving me. I'm an asshole that just let her go. My phone start buzzing in my pocket and on the display it stood Celina.

"Hello" I said trying to sound confident.

"Hi, you need to come to the hospital now!"

"Wait now? Why?"

"What do you think Harry? Linn is giving birth and she needs you here!"

"Oh okay, I'm coming in 5 okay?"

"Okay see you then"

I hung up and rushed out to the car. I drove off to the hospital and I start searching for the right room. I found the boys and Cel outside.

"Hi you're finally here!" Zayn said rushing over to me.

"Yeah yeah I'm here. Is she okay?"

"Yeah she is at the moment but shes been in there for two hours" Louis said.

"Should I go in?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go" Liam said leading me inside.

When I got inside all I could here was Linn in pain and that scared the hell out of me. I love her to much she can't have this pain. I walked up to her and took her hand. She looked at me and a smile appeared on her face.

"I'm here baby, I'm here" I said to her.

"Okay Linn just push a bit more and the baby will be out. One Two Three!" The doctor said.

And then the room got filled with baby yell and I got filled with happiness.

*Celina's POV*

Oh god I'm so nervous for Linn's sake and I'm nervous when this baby will come out. I walked back and forth waiting for someone to come out of the room. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around facing Niall.

"Hey, you need to calm down and sit. You can't worry about this, she's fine Cel" He said rubbing my back.

"You're right I probably should sit down" I said sitting down next to Louis.

"Hey, you don't need to worry, they're fine in there I promise" Louis said laying his arm around me and kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, I'm just worried that it will struggle like her mother did when she was giving birth to her"

"It won't I promise Cel" He said giving me soft kiss on the lips.

"Oh my god! Can't they come out soon? I want to see the baby!" Zayn almost shriek out and all of us looked at him weirdly.

"What?" He said looking confused.

"You know I didn't see you like a person who would want to see the baby so much!" Louis said.

"Well at least it's a good thing!" Liam said.

"Shh.... and listen!" Niall said and we all could hear a baby scream. Awwe! It's born maybe.... Then the door opened reliving a smiling Harry.

"Hey, you can come in now" He said and we all walked inside. Harry walked over to Linn and to me it looked like they were back together but maybe not.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" Zayn asked while looking in adore at it.

"It's a girl" Harry said with a big smile on his lips.

•Hope you liked it and the next one will be up soon, I promise!•


We met at the airport (One Direction Fan Fiction) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now