Chapter 5

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Nikki's POV

As I was walking to my car I could hear yelling. I was looking around and saw this couple fighting. I couldn't tell who it was or what they were saying though. So I decided to just ignore then and continued to walk to my car. I was walking back to the building to hear that they were still fighting. I wanted to go over there and help, but I don't like getting involved in situations that I'm not supposed to be in. And I have to unpack anyway so I walk back up to the room.

I hate unpacking! Sometimes, I don't even know why I packed all of this stuff. But I finally finished like 2 hours later. I suddenly got really hungry. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. When I walked through the door, I saw Charlotte sitting in the dining room with a cup of tea. She didn't look too happy. She actually looked really frustrated. I was getting concerned.

"You ok Charlotte?"

"What?Yea I'm fine." She huffed. I knew something was wrong. "It's just Louis." She continued.

"Did you guys get into a fight?" I questioned. Maybe it was them I saw fighting earlier.

"Yea,we did. And it didn't end well." She said which kinda lightened up my mood because maybe thy broke up, but I didn't get my hopes up too high and i need to be supportive so i pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

"Do you mind telling me what happened. You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm just curious."

"Um...sure. Well, Louis is in this group and having problems. Long story short, I tried to help him and he declined it. So I told him to talk to me when he figures out what to do." She said. I could see she wasn't telling me everything, but I didn't wan to push her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you think he'll still be coming around or no?" I asked trying not to sound needy.

"I don't know. Why? Do you like him or something?" She asked strenly.That's when I knew she still had feelings for him.

"What?No! Of course not! Why would you think such a thing." I quickly answered.

"Ok, just checking. Maybe I'll talk to him later or something. Maybe I was being too harsh on him.He's being stupid, but I still love him with all my heart." After she said that my heart sunk. I then changed the subject because I remembered why I came in here in the first place.

"Well,I'm hungry. Do you want me to go and get food?"

"Yea sure, I could eat. You can go to the diner on the corner. You can get me the pastrami sandwich." She said.

"Ok. See you soon."

"Bye."She yelled as I exited to door. I then made my way to the diner. It was like a 5 minute walk from the building, so I made it there rather quickly. Before I entered, I noticed a feather haired boy sitting on a stool with a beer in his hand. I was hesitant on entering but I was hungry. I knew Charlotte would be too. As I made my way into the diner I walked up to Louis and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and his eye's widened.

"Hey Louis. Fancy seeing you here." I said breaking the silence.

"Uh-huh."He said before taking another sip of his beer. I then took that advantage and ordered mine and Charlotte's food to go.

"To go?" He questioned after the waitress walked away.

"Yea.I was getting hungry after I unpacked and Charlotte told me about this place to get food, so here I am." I explained.

"How is she by the way?" He asked with a concerned tone in his voice. My heart dropped again. I knew he loved her.

"Um...she's good. She looks a little frustrated" I said and his facial features dropped. "But she still loves you." I continued trying to cheer him up. It worked a little. But he still looked down. "Do you want to talk about it? We don't have to if you don't want to."

"I don't know. I mean I could, but I don't know if you'll understand."He said shyly

"I can try."

"Well the thing is, is that I didn't really pick the best of friends back in high school.They have me do the stupidest stuff. And when I say stuff, I mean like they make me-"He was interrupted when the waitress handed me the food. I grabbed the food and stood up. Not really wanting to leave, but I knew Charlotte would start to wonder where I was.

"Well,it was nice talking to you. Sorry I have to leave but Charlotte is going to wonder where I am. Also are you still going to walk me to class tomorrow? It's ok if you can't. I understand."I said as quickly as I could.

"Um it's ok. I understand. Lottie can be like that. And yes I would be happy to. I'll pick you up at 3. See you later. Oh and tell Lottie I said I'm sorry and that I'm trying."He said with a shy smile.

"Yea will do. Bye Louis." I said with a smile on my face exiting the door. On my way back to the room, all I could think about was Louis. What did he do to make Charlotte mad? What does he mean when he said he picked the stupidest friends in high school? What do they make him do? I just had so many questions. I guess I could try and ask tomorrow when he takes me to class.

My heart fluttered and the thought of him walking me to class. Oh how I love that boy. Do I love him? Well I get nervous when I'm around him. Even though that was like 2-3 times today, but still.I love his ocean blue eyes, and how I would get lost in them every time. I love his brown feathery hair. It looks so soft. I just wanted to tangle my hands in his hair. I love his small smile and his pink plump lips. I just wanted to kiss him so badly.And I couldn't get him out of my head. Ever since I first saw him leaning against that wall, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. I guess I do love him. Should I tell him how I feel? But now that I think about it, it's probably not a good idea. He's with Charlotte, and they both still really love each other. The one time I find a guy that is attractive, he's taken. Happens every fucking time. But I feel like this one's different. My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang for the elevator and the doors opened.I walked in, pressed the number 5, and watched as the elevator doors closed still having Louis in my mind.

[A/N: Hey guys! So here's chapter 5.Hope you enjoyed it. It's a little shorter than expected, sorry. I had some writer's block with this chapter, but whatever. My OTRA concert is in 13 days and I'm super excited! I can't wait to see them! Liam is bae! He is my love <3 and no one can take him away from me! Now I'm just blabbing. Enough about me so thanks for reading and please don't forget to like, comment and vote! Love you guys to the moon and back <3]

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