Chapter 37

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A/N: Hey lovelies! Sorry it's been a while. I've had some...personal issues I do not wish to share on the internet I had to take care of. But I was getting loads of help from @mayalovespizza Thanks babe. And I hope you guys enjoy. Please don't forget to comment, vote and tell loads of people about this story. Love you guys to the moon and back❤️

Nikki's POV

Its been a couple weeks since Louis proposed. A couple weeks since I told him I was pregnant. I went shopping with mum and Johanna like we said we would. I didn't get much but I had a fun time. Louis took me to the doctors to check on the baby, which is perfectly healthy and fine. We don't know the gender yet and I still don't show a bump but I'll get there.

I woke up with the sight of a bare chest. I feel tight muscular arms wrapped around my body. I look up to see Louis sleeping. His mouth slightly opened and his eyes glued shut. He looked so peaceful. I just stared at his figure. He looks absolutely perfect. His facial features look so relaxed and calm. I knew it was pretty early so I closed my eyes to fall back asleep.

Next thin I know the alarm goes off. I turn to turn it off. When turned off I go back to where I was laying. Louis pulls me closer to him, my face only centimeters from him. I observe his face once again.

"You know love, it's not very nice to stare. Didn't your mum teach you that it's rude to stare." Louis says without opening his eyes.


"I can feel your gaze from 100 miles away." He finally opens his eyes and looks at me. My cheeks get hot and I look down. He put his thumb and index finger under my chin to make me look at him. "Don't hide from me baby. I love it wen you blush. Especial of its from me. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right." I peck his lips quickly.

"You do everything right."

"You think so. Hmm. Why don't we ask our little munchkin." Louis says as he puts his hand on my stomach, his eyes never leaving mine. I giggle and put my hands on his neck pulling him towards me. We have a long passionate kiss before we pull away.

"We have to get up."

"No. I want to stay right here with my babies." She says huskily.

"I know you do. I do too, but we have things to do today." I said and he huffed pulling me even closer than we already were. I giggled as he did so. What this man does to me.

"5 more minutes. I'm not going to be able to hold you this close for 9 months." My mouth gaped open.

"Oh you are so lucky I'm comfortable."

"Good." He said and leaned forward to kissed me. We layed there for probably 10 minutes.

"Louis we really need to get up." I groaned.

"But Nikki..."

"No buts. Get up." I slap his shoulder and sit up. But I am pulled back down. "Louis!" I yelled.

"C'mon baby. Just a little longer. Like I said I'm not going to be this close to you for a while. Please." He gave me his best puppy dog eyes. And sadly it was working. "If you love us you will stay here." I knew he would bring our baby back into it.

"Fine! Only a little bit longer than we have to get up."

He nods and pulls me into a kiss once again. Not that I'm complaining. I could kiss him for the rest of my life. Oh wait... I can. We layed there cuddling stealing a kiss here and there.

"Ok Louis, time to get up." I sat up. He wrapped his arm quickly going around my stomach and waist.

"Please baby."

"Louis, we've been laying here for a good hour. We have to get everything planned out." I smiled remembering I was going to be the future Mrs. Tomlinson. "Today is like our only day to do it. Please get up. For us." I look at him.

"Fine but kiss first." I chuckled in how childish he was but I loved it. I love him. His lips lingered longer than they ever have. I knew what he was doing. I pulled away looking at him. He pouted, bottom lip sticking out. I knew did and didn't turn him on like it was the back of my hand. I decided to be a bitch this morning and turn him on like crazy. I chuckled and pecked his lips once more but I grabbed his bottom lip between my teeth gently pulling. He moaned, shot his eyes open, and flipped us to where I was on my back with him hovering me faster than the speed of light. I let out a small yelp as he did so. He was in between my legs while mine wrapped around his waist.

"Don't ever do that again." He demanded.

"And why is that?" I sassily asked. He grounded against me quickly making me laugh and moan at the same time. He looked at me with eyes full of lust. Lip tugging was DEFIANTLY a turn on for him, so everything was going according to plan.

"The things you do to me." I raised my hand to touch his cheek caressing it with my thumb.

"I think I have a pretty good idea." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Hmmm. I bet you do." He bent forward kissing me letting his lips linger a bit. He pulled away and just looked at me. Searching my eyes full of love. He smiled at me with the crinkles by his eyes that I love so much. It shows his true smile. "I call showering first." He said quickly and sprinted to the bathroom. He left me laying there confused. I didn't fully process what he said until the door closed.

"You asshole!" I yelled. All I could hear was a muffled laugh from inside the bathroom when the water turned on. He opened the door and leaned against the doorframe. He still had on his boxers. He looked beautiful. Stop it!!!! You're supposed to be mad at him! Oh how could I stay mad at him. It's like impossible for me to stay mad.

"You still love me. Speaking of love, I would love if you would join me."

"Likewise. And no I'm going to make tea, you want anything?" I asked.

"Yorkshire please. Thank you baby. Love you."

"Yeah yeah love you too." I chuckled. I walked over to him and pecked his lips quickly before I walked out the room and he closed the door. I was about to go to the kitchen when there was a knock at the door. I opened it without a moments hesitation. I stood frozen at the sight before me.

"Miss me?"

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