Chapter 13

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Louis' POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone ringing. I look to see who it is, and answer.

"What do you want Harry?" I ask sternly.

"Well the boys and I were wondering if you wanted to go by the club?"

"Right now?"

"Yea right now." I look at my clock showing 2:30 pm.

"I can't. I have to leave for class in 30 minutes." I kinda lied. I did have to leave, but not till 45 minutes.

"Lou, you've missed the last 3 times already. Come on."

"Harry I can't."

"You know Zayn's going to be pissed that you're not coming." He informs me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just can't There is important project that we started, and the quicker I get it done, the quicker I can spend with you guys. Yeah?" I make up. The important project is to make Nikki mine. And I'm going to need the boy's off my back for a while in order for that to happen. It might take a while too.

"Ok whatever. But if Zayn gets mad, don't say I didn't warn ya."

"Whatever." And with that, I hung up. I layed in bed for another 15 minutes before I got out of bed and got ready to go to Lottie's and Nikki's room.

~Harry's POV~

"Whatever." Was all he said before he ended the call. I tried to convince him to come with us, but he said no. Why is he turning things down all of a sudden? Ever since college started for him, he's been different. I don't know how, but he is. I realized that I have to tell Zayn that Louis won't come. He is going to be so mad. I was hesitant to call him, but I knew he would be even more mad when I tell him later. And he might even take away ,y weekly doseage.

"What's up mate?" Zayn answers the phone calmly.

"Oh nothing much. What about you?" I avoided talking about Louis.

"I'm great. Just made a great deal with a newby. Says he'll pay 3 grand for a pound of our strongest stuff. How crazy is that. So um not to be rude or something, but uh why did you call? If it's about raising your weekly doseage, you can forget about it. You know the rules."

"That's great. Oh um it's not about that. Well Louis cant come to the club." I say nervousely. Only waiting for the screams that are about to come out of him mouth.

"What!?" And here they are. "Why not!?" He yells.

"He says that um there's a class project."

"What the actual fuck!? When did he decide to put school before us!? Something's not right with him. We need to figure it out, and fast. I'll put Liam on it. He's the best at shit like that. And thanks for letting me know. Bye mate. See you in 5?"

"Uh, yea I'll be there." And with that he hung up the phone. I started to get shaky. I needed go get something in my system, and fast. I quickly got ready and looked for my hidden stash. I can't believe what I've done to myself. I never thought that I would ever get addicted to this shit. But now, I never want to stop.

[A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed. I decided to surprise you with Harry's POV. What did you think? Do you think it's a good idea for Zayn to put Liam in charge of finding out what's wrong with Louis? Will secrets be kept? I can guarantee that there will be a couple Zayn POV's and a couple Liam POV's, but I don't know about the other boys. Please don't forget to comment, vote, and to tell your friends about this story. Love you guys to the moon and back <3]

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