Chapter 32

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Louis' POV

When I went to Liam he said he didn't want to talk to me. But he said we could go to Nikki's mums house. I was ecstatic. I went out of the room to find Nikki and Mary gone. Shit. This can't go well. I saw a not on the counter from Mary.


Nikki wanted to go shopping so I took her. We will be gone for a while. We are having some girl time. Don't worry.

Fuck. I told her no. God damn it. Why doesn't she listen. Of course I was going to worry. How can I not? This isn't going to go well.


Nikki's POV

How did Zayn find me? We had everything right. He shouldn't have found me. A wave of nausea hit me. I had one had free from the chain thank god. I found a trash can right by me. I emptied my stomach into the can. I didn't even care that Zayn was watching. When I was done I looked at him. He looked confused but then went back to normal.

"What do you want now Zayn?"

"Only your suffering."

"Why?" I ask emptying my stomach once again.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea I'm fine. Why do you want my suffering?"

"Because I had to suffer when you left. It hurt me Nikki. You have no idea. But I'll be right back with my things. Just wait here." Then he walks out the room. That asshole. I once again throw up in the trash can. I have never thrown up this much in my life. It hurts. I'm throwing up bile. There's nothing to throw up.

He comes back and starts beating me hitting me over and over again.  I thought I would get a concussion with how hard he was hitting my head. I had a bloody lip, a black eye and cuts all over my body.

"I think we should see dearest Louis, don't you think?" He said darkly. He picked up his phone and FaceTimed him. Louis answered seconds later with anger and worry spread across his face.


Louis' POV

It's been hours since they left. As on que Mary walks through the door.

"Where's Nikki?"

"Um...she's uh."

"Where is she god damn it!" I yell. She runs away "Liam stop Mary!"

Liam walks in with Mary's hand behind her back him holding her aggressively.

"I'll ask again, where is Nikki?" 

No response. I look at Liam and his grip tightens. And she whimpers.

"Tell us where she is and he'll let go." Liam's grip get even tighter. My phone rang. It was a FaceTime. I answer angry as all hell.

"Hello Louis."

"Let her go you son of a bitch!"

"Now why would I do that?"

"Because I said so. How did you even get her?"

"Oh did she not tell you. Mary helped me. Thank you Mary. You were a load of help. Now Louis I want you to see this next part."

"You lay another finger in her and it will get cut off."

"Oh I will touch her with more than just my fingers." She says with a smirk on his face.

"LOUIS!" Nikki yelled. And the line went dead.

"We need to get her back."

"Calm down Louis. We will."

"How can I calm down?! The love of my life is being tortured! We need to get her back!" Tears started to fall.

"Louis. Just calm down. We will leave first thing in the morning."

"If this was Sophia then you would be on it like a crazy man! We need to get her back now!"

"I said first thing in the morning. No arguments. Not go to sleep I'll fill Lottie in." He says and walks off. I walk to the backyard. I sit on one of the chairs. Mary walks in a few minutes later.

"Go away Mary. I want to be alone."

"You need to get some sleep."

"I'm not going to sleep without her."

"I can see how much you care for her."

"Of course I do. I'd do anything for her." Tears started to fall from my eyes again.

"You love her don't you?" She asks. I pull out my keys.

"With all my heart." I look down at the key chain and run the thumb up and down it.

Forever and always <3

I read. It was like I could hear her say it to me. I feel like she was with me. I missed her. I can't believe that she's in Zayn's hands again. How could I let this happen?

"Why did you do it?" I say out of no where.


"Why did you do it?"

"When I broke up with you and caused you all that pain, Zayn didn't like it. Since I made you not work for a while I was I debt. I had to do anything he said. He said that if I gave her to him that he would leave me and my family alone. I just wanted to live with my husband in peace." All I did was sigh and not in disappointment. "I'm sorry L-"

"Just go."


"I said go!" I yelled sternly. She got up and ran inside. I never stopped rubbing the key chain with my thumb. And I never will. I looked up at the stars.

"I'm coming Nikki. I promise." I say like she could hear me. I bring the key chain to heart and hold it there. I stayed outside the rest of the night. Not even bothering to go change. Liam walks out hours later saying that we're leaving. I stood up keeping a firm grip on the key chain. I walk to the car going in the very back to be by myself. Lottie was in the second row and Liam and Sophia in the front. We packed the car with our bags. There was no way we were staying with Mary any longer. I rubbed the key chain once again. I start to talk in my head as if I were talking to her.

I'm coming Nikki. Don't worry. When I get you back I'll never let you out of my sight. That is a guarantee.

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