Chapter 27

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The doctor came out with 2 of the 3 nurses with long faces. I immediately start to get weak in the knees and start to cry even harder than I already was.

"I'm sorry mate but-"


(*Warning: smut. So if you're not comfortable with smut. Skip this chapter*)

Louis' POV

"You said you would save her!" I yell interrupting him.

"I'm sorry Louis." The doctor answered. The doctor was a really close friend of mine. He has been with me since I moved to London in high school. He said he would keep her alive.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Luke! I told you to keep her alive! You said you would!"

"Louis I said-"

And I said it doesn't cut it! You don't know how much she means to me! I can't live without her! She is my life! You don't know what she's been through. You don't understand!" I cut him off once again.

"Louis we did everything we cou-"

"Doctor!" The nurse yells from inside the room. The three of us walk in to see Nikki sitting up in bed, hand on her heart panting. I was frozen in my spot. She was alive and awake. She looked over to me and a small crooked smile appeared on her face. I ran up to her engulfing her into a hug trying my to hurt her. We were both crying at this point. We pulled away minutes after. And we just looked at each other for what seemed like hours. I left my hands wrapped around her waist never wanting to let go. She kept one hand on my neck and brought the other one to wipe away my tears with her thumb. The nurse closest to us took the needles out of her arm since she was awake and she didn't need the blood anymore. Luke said that she had no broken bones just bruising. Luke and the nurses left after I asked if we could have some alone time.

"Forever and always." Was all she said with a little smile on her face. I looked at her with a really confused facial expression. My eyes widened when I remember saying that I loved her with all my heart. She was right there! She heard me! I quickly pulled her in making her lips smash into mine.

This kiss was unlike any other kiss. It was full of want, need, compassion, love and lust. She ended putting both hands around my neck pulling me closes. While I kept my hands on her waist not wanting to pull her in very hard. I just don't want to hurt her. I knew her heart was racing because I could hear it on the monitor. I pulled away locking the door to the room and muting the monitor. I even pulled out my phone telling Liam and Lottie that she was fine and it was a false alarm. And she just looked at me weirdly.

"What! It was getting annoying. And I want it to be just you and me." She giggles as I sit back down in the bed reattaching our lips. I picked her up and put her on my lap so she was straddling me. She pulled so close and sat down on my hardened length making me moan at the contact.

~Nikki's POV~

When he said he just wanted it to be me and him. I knew exactly what he meant. So I decided to have some fun. When he pulled me onto his lap, I instantly went to sit on his length making him moan. Just like I wanted him to.

The kiss got heated real fast. I was playing with the hem of his short wanting him to take it off. He got me plea and took it off quicker than you could blink. Once our lips were attached again he moved his left hand made its way to my breasts. He started to play with my left breast through the gown. Causing me to moan against him and kissing him harder. His right hand roamed my back untying the gown making it to fall straight down crumpled on my lap leaving my whole chest bare.

You Changed My Life [One Direction Louis Tomlinson fanfic]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя