Chapter 28

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Nikki's POV

The doctor and nurses were really nice. They let me go home that evening. When we got to the dorm, Louis and Lottie were running around like maniacs.

"Did I miss something?" I yell getting their attention stopping their movements.

"I should have told you before we left. We're leaving tonight." Louis informs me.

"What!? How long was I out? And we can leave. The school semester isn't over. You said we'd wait till then." I starts rambling.

"Baby, baby, baby clam down." He grabbed my hands and stood right in front on me looking me in the eyes. "You were out for a couple of hours. But we can't stay here especially when Zayn is searching for you."

"What do you mean searching for me?"

"Well he found out that you escaped but he doesn't know Liam and I did it. At least I hope he doesn't. Now that I think about it, he probably ready knows I was behind it."

"Ok, ok, when are we leaving?" I ask.

"In an hour." Lottie responds.

"Ok." I say quietly just above a whisper. "Wanna help he pack?"

"Way ahead if you honey." He smiled at me. And I return the smile by pulling him towards me attaching his lips on mine. We pulled away an walked into y room and he helped me pack. We talked the whole time. He was making me forget that I had a crazy ex after me. I noticed I had one of Ela's books in my room. I should probably give that back to her. She'll need for later in the year.

"Louis I'll be right back." I say and walk out the room.

"Woah, woah, woah. You're not going anywhere." He grabs the top of my are circling me back around to face him.

"I need to return this to Ela. She's gonna need it later in the year. I'll be careful I promise. She's just a floor below." I try to convince him. He looked in deep thought until he dropped his hand.

"On one condition...I come with."

"Ok. It will be good to have the protection of a strong man like yourself." I say in a seductive matter walking closer to him. I put my palms in his chest and slide them to the back of his neck as I speak. His hands made their way to rest on the top of my bum pulling me even closer. My lips are hovered by his. I could feel his hot breath fan my face as he breaths.

"Hmmm, is that so." His hands go lower an lower until they were under my bum. I jump wrapping my legs around his waist connecting our lips. I felt him walk until my back was pressed into the wall. I played with his hair tugging it just enough to make him moan. He pressed me even harder against the wall causing me to moan back. He started to grind against me letting pleasure flow through my veins. I wanted the clothes in between us off. He moved his lips down to below my ear nibbling and sucking on the skin. I let out a gasp and a yelp in pleasure. I needed him now. He pulled away looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"We should go return that book before it gets too late." He said letting go of my bum setting me down on the floor. My breathing was erratic as I nod.

"We are not done here." I state walking out of the room him following closely behind. He chased me to the elevators. I was running the fastest I have ever gone before. But he caught me wrapping his arms around my waist from behind picking me up and spinning me around. I scream and giggle as he does so. He puts me down and walks to the elevator never letting go of my waist. We rode like that down to Ela's floor. He let go telling me that he would wait for me at the elevators. I walk over to Ela's room and knock 3 times. I stood out there for a while until she opened the door. She was being hugged the same way Louis was with me but with a familiar head of curls.

"Nikki I haven't seen you in a bit. How are you?" She asked as Harry stopped kissing her and slowly looked up at me. And very slowly letting go of Ela. I look to see Louis leaning against the wall in his phone. He looked up and gave me a genuine smile before bringing his attention back to his phone.

"Um good. I was ret-turning this b-book because y-you'll need it l-later." I studded handing her the book. When she grabbed the book Harry took a knife from his pocket and sliced my right arm. I scream in pain as he grabbed my arm pulling me inside.

"Louis!" I scream and look at him. He darted from the wall and grabbed the rest of my body pulling it towards him. Harry had a firm grip on my arm. It was starting to hurt. I was going to have a bruise of his hand on my arm. When Louis saw the cut I heard him mutter some curse words under his breath. He took the knife out of his pocket and cut Harry's wrist to the hand that was holding me. He cut rather deep but it made him let go. Louis pulled me towards the elevators the fires opening immediately as we pressed the button. We walk inside waiting for the doors to close. We look up to see Harry running full speed towards us. The doors closed as soon as he was only feet away. My arm started to sting really badly. I broke into tears in pain. Louis grabbed my arm with one arm observing the cut while taking his other hand and wiping the tears from my face. When we reached our floor we ran to the room storming through the door. I see that Liam and who I presume was Sophia talking to Lottie on the couch. When the door slammed shut all their eyes snapped to us.

"Lottie help now!" Louis yelled at her making her jump up and run to me and Louis. She sat me on the couch Louis crouching in front of me. She said I was going to need stitches and ran to get the first aid kit. She handed it to Louis so he could start cleaning off the extra blood. This reminded me of the time when he came with his face all beat up. I was the one who cleaned him up and he was just staring at me. Now the tables were turned. He was the one cleaning me up while I just stared at him. Tears falling down my face at a slow pace. I started to giggle a bit. Louis looked up at me in confusion. I told him about the memory and he just smiled and kissed my forehead moving to sit next to me. Lottie came in seconds with everything ready to go. Lottie took Louis' previous spot in front of me cleaning it one last time before she started. Louis grabbed my free hand and engulfed it with both of his. I look at him with my red puffy eyes. He scooted behind me so I was leaning on his front. He even straddled around me so we were closer. He rested his chin on my shoulder keeping his left hand with mine and his right wrapped around my waist. My breathing calmed down but it was still really erratic. Lottie broke the silence in the room.

"This might hurt." She warned me making me more nervous.

"Just squeeze my hand when it hurts." Louis whispered in my ear kissing my neck and below my ear. I was siting against Louis waiting for the pain to once again over take me.

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