Chapter 40

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The next thing I hear was a loud bang.

A Gunshot

Nikki's POV

It felt as if time froze. There was no sound and no movement. Liam and I just stared in the direction of the front door. Suddenly the pain shot through me. A scream exited my lips as the pain got worse. Louis ran to my side holding my face in his hands.

"Oh baby. I am so sorry." He kissed my forehead before looking back at me. "Liam can you go deal with the um..." He looked at Liam and nodded his head towards the front door. Liam silently agreed and walked away. Louis took his spot over me looking at me deeply searching my face for what was wrong. My eyes snapped closed as the pain was becoming unbearable. Louis grabbed both of my hands trying to reassure me that everything will be ok. My eyes still closed I felt Louis stop moving.

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath. "LIAM HURRY UP!" His voice sounding urgent. I open to look at him staring wide eyed at my legs. I followed his gaze and all I could see was red. I started shaking more. I was constantly saying the word 'no' as if it were the only word I knew. Tears fell like Niagara Falls. They wouldn't stop. My vision became blurry not because of my tears. I heard footsteps approach but I couldn't tell who it was. It was probably Liam seeing as he is the only one awake.

"Liam we need to go now!" I felt myself being picked up and brought outside into the cold brisk morning. I forgot it was morning. It felt like so much time went by but I didn't even know people were still in their homes sleeping comfortably in their beds.

"Li, you drive. I'll stay in the back with her." I heard Louis' voice very clearly as I was pulled into a car. I was laid down, my head on Louis' lap when the car started.

"Stay with me baby. You're going to be fine. We'll be at the hospital in no time. Stay with me baby. I love you with all my heart." Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

~Louis' POV~

She stopped moving. I could barely feel her breath against me. Tears fell hard from my face landing in her pale porcelain skin.

"Liam hurry!"

"We're here." Once he said those words I jumped out and ran with her in my arms bridal style.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" I yelled until a nurse came and helped.

I walked with her into the room where they attached the wires to her and tried to save her. I felt hot and shaky and like the world was only moving. I couldn't hear what the doctors and nurses were saying, I only saw them moving in somewhat of a slow motion. I stood as close as I could without getting in the way. She looked so lifeless laying on that bed. A long and loud beep rang through my ears as sound came back to me. I snapped at the monitor and saw a green flatline across the screen.

"NIKKI!" I screamed getting right next to the bed. The doctor told the nurses to take me away into the waiting room. I fought to stay in but was unsuccessful when we got passed the door to the waiting room. Liam was packing back and forth on the phone in the middle of the room. He notices me and hangs up walking quickly over to me. He immediately asked how everything was and I told him what happened. We both paced the room to anxious about Nikki. Suddenly the doctor came through the double doors walking towards us.

"Here for Nikki Addison?"

"Yes." We both said simultaneously.

"How is she? Is the baby ok?" I asked right after.

"Yes her and the baby are fine."

"Why was there so much bleeding?" Liam asked.

"Well the womb has been disrupted. She must have been punched and or kicked in order for a trauma like that to have happened. Do either of you do that to her?"

"No we would never." Liam said.

"Why would I hurt my own fiancé and risk our child's safety?" I ask making him feel stupid.

"Just making sure." I could see he never fully believed us but believed enough.

"When can we see her?" I ask quickly.

"You can see her right now. But she is asleep right now. So only one of you can stay the night." We both nodded. "Then follow me gentlemen." He walked us to where she was. There was some color to her but not much. We both rushed to both sides of her. Tears brimmed my eyes but I couldn't hold them back.

"It's all my fault." I whisper.

"No it's no Lou. Don't say that. Neither of you knew Zayn was going to show up. You both lived your lives normally. And he was the one who you should blame not you." Liam said.

"I know. But still. I should have gone down with her. She shouldn't have to go through this again."

"I know Lou. No one wanted her to go through this again."

"Thanks Li." I looked at the clock seeing it was already dark. I hadn't realized how long we were actually here.

"I'm going to get home to Sophia. She's been worried sick. You stay and I'll come back in the morning." Liam said. I nodded in agreement and he left. I just stood over her pale body. I grabbed her hand in mine.

"Nikki. I am so so so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve to get beaten to a pulp. You deserve the whole world. You deserve more than this life." Tears falling quickly from my eyes. "I love you Nikki Addison with all my heart." I said closing my eyes as the tears kept falling. I thought I felt her squeeze my had. But I was imagining it. She was asleep.

"Forever and always." I heard a raspy voice say. I open my eyes quickly and see her smiling at me with a single tear falling from her right eye. I immediately smashed our lips together like it was our last moment together. I pull away after both of us needing air. I kept my forehead on hers as the panting were the only thing you could hear besides the loud beeping.

"I'm sorry Nikki."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault. No need to be sorry." She said quietly.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She replied connecting our lips once more. It wasn't as long as the other one but I wasn't complaining.

"You should sleep baby." I said moving away from her. But her hand held a tight grip on mine. I look up at her questionably.

"Sleep with me." She said softly. I smiled a pecked her lips quickly. She scooted over to the left side of the bed. She layed in her left side facing away from me but I took that advantage and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulled her back to my front. I giggle left her lips and a smile crept into mine. I propped myself into my left elbow head resting in my hand and took my right and stroked through her beautiful hair.

"Thank you Louis. For helping me."

"Of course. I would do anything to save you."

"And the little one?" She asked and made me grin from ear to ear. I move my hand from her hair and move it to her stomach.

"And the little one."

"Speaking of the little one. The doc told me the gender." She said and turned so se was on her back.

"When did he tell you that?"

"Before I fell asleep and a whole before you walked in." She smiled.


"You really want to know."

"No I think I'll just wait till its born." I said sarcastically.

"Fine suit yourself." She said and went to turn back to her side when I held her down and hovered over her.

"I was kidding love."

"I know. I just like to give you a hard time."

"Well?" I leaned in closer to her.

"You want to know."

"Yes love now stop stalking and tell me. I'm getting anxious." I said huskily.

"It's a girl."

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