Chapter 38

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"Miss me?"

Nikki's POV

I started to walk backwards into my home. I can't believe this is going to happen again. I went to slam the door but he was faster. His has got in the way and pushed it open, slamming it against the wall. I didn't get very far from the door when he charged.

"LOUIS!" I screamed. Zayn pounced on me like an animal to its prey. "LOUIS!" I yelled once more quickly before he covered my mouth with his hand. I was starting to get light headed. I couldn't breath. So I did the one thing I could think of. I bit his hand. But not to the point where I tasted blood. But I bit him hard enough to let me go.

"LOUIS!" I screamed. He must still be in the shower. That bastard. Out of no where my ankle was grabbed. He pulled me down. I was 5 steps up so it would hurt if I fell. I started falling face first but I remembered my baby. I turned last second so I was on my back. I hissed in pain as I was pulled down to the floor. Within seconds I was pulled to my feet and faces Zayn. He had dark eyes that only I have seen. He was angry. He would only get these eyes when he was about to beat me. They wouldn't get this dark when we were out, but him being angry period was enough for me. He pulled me to towards the door. Tears were streaming down my face. I was screaming and yelling and squirming and doing everything I could to get free, but was unsuccessful. But I would not back down.

Zayn knew I wouldn't stop so he stopped in his tracks and punched and kicked me multiple times in the face and stomach until I was on the ground and couldn't fight back. Zayn put me back on my feet and dragged me out the house or until I gained conscience.  We were within steps from the door when I started to fight back. He looked pissed. I probably shouldn't have done that but I didn't care. His hand went up to hit me but a hand grabbed his before he could even move it. I looked to my left to see Louis looking angrier than I have ever seen.

Louis took his hand that wasn't occupied and punched ZaYn square in the face. Zayn let go and I stood there unable to move. My stomach hurt without a doubt. I was pulled into someone's muscular arms. I knew it was Liam then and there. I broke down into his chest staining his shirt with my tears. He pulled me so I was out of view of the front door and so I could relax.

"Shhhh. It's alright Nikki. We're not going to let anything happen to you. He's not going to bother you anymore." Liam said as we stood in the middle of the living room rocking back and forth. Suddenly pain shot through my body. I felt like I was paralyzed. This pain was worse than I've ever had. I went limp in Liam's arms feeling like I couldn't move. He struggled but finally got me to the floor safely. I was screaming in pain. It hurt so bad. I was breathing heavily and Liam kneeled above me. Liam looked at me to find what's wrong until his eyes widened. He looked at me in worry and concern. I squeezed my eyes shut, the pain was so bad.

"LOUIS GET IN HERE NOW!" Liam yelled.

"ONE SEC LI. ALMOST DONE." I faintly heard Louis voice.



"LOUIS!" Liam growled. And I screamed.

"Fuck it." I heard Louis say like it was under his breath but loud enough to hear. The next thing I hear was a loud bang.

A gunshot

[A/N: Hey guys I will update again today. Just wanted to post something quick. Love you guys to the moon and back <3]

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