Chapter 10

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Nikki's POV

"Lottie tell me what's going on." I finally asked wanting to know what the hell was going on. And she just shushed me waving her hand up and down signaling me to keep my voice down. "Lottie who's there?" I whispered this time.

"Just hold on." Was all she said. I sat down on the couch just watching her in confusion. She then slowly opened the door and tip toed down the hall. All I could hear was a high pitched scream. I could help but laugh. I look at the doorway to see Lottie nearly in tears leaning against the door frame and Louis behind her blushing like crazy.

"Not funny Lottie." He said sternly crossing his arm in front of him. He honestly looked like a child who didn't get what they wanted, which made it 10 times funnier. Just thinking of it brought tears in my eyes. I couldn't breath it was so funny. He shot his glare towards me. I tried to stop laughing, but I just couldn't.

"No, no you're right. It's not funny. It was fucking funny!" She responded making me laugh even more. I thought I was going to pass out because I couldn't breath. After 5 minutes of non stop laughing, we finally calmed down. Louis' facial expression never changed. Its wasn't long until a question popped into my mind.

"What are you doing here so early Louis?" I questioned. He had a look in his face like he was unsure.

"Well, I had nothing to do so I thought I could come visit till class starts. Is that ok with you sweetheart?" He replied. But he said the last part with a sarcastic tone is his voice and enunciated sweetheart. It hurt.

"Yeah that's fine. I was just wondering. Jeeze, sorry for asking." I said sternly walking into the kitchen. I suddenly got hungry. Before the door closed I heard him say something under his breath, but I was too hungry to try and figure out what he said. I made my way to the fridge and grabbed the first thing I found. After I finished eating, I just sat in the dining room in the quiet not really caring what time it was. I finally decided to walk into the living room to see Lottie and Louis in an intimate glare, but not the good glare. It was a pissed at each other glare.

Looking at the clock I noticed it was 2:30. I asked Louis with a frustrated tone if we should get going. He simply nodded and we walked out the door saying buy to Lottie and headed towards the elevators. The ride down was a little awkward, but nothing I couldn't handle. Apparently it got to Louis, because he broke the silence as soon as we stepped out side.

"You nervous?" He chuckled. Why was he chuckling? Was my outfit messed up? Did my hair look weird? To be honest, I was kinda nervous, but who isn't on their first day of college.

"Why do you ask?" I ask sternly.

"Well it's your first day of classes, so I was just wondering."

"Well...I kinda am, but nothing I can't handle." I relpy. Should I ask him to show me around? Maybe I could have Lottie show me around later. But I found myself calling his name.

"What's up love?"

"Umm, well I was wondering if you could um...kinda show me around." I say shyly.

"We could do that to kill time. We have like 30 minutes till class." Kill time? Did he really not want to be around me? Well I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to be around me either.

"Ok, thanks." I mumbled so he couldn't hear. He showed me where all the buildings and where all the food places are, and finally to the classroom.

"Thanks for showing me around." I say as we walked into the classroom.

"No problem. Glad I could help. A friend of Lottie's is a friend of mine." He said. All he wanted to be was friends. It made my stomach turn and made my heart sink a little. Suddenly the bell rung, I wasn't in a seat yet, so I looked around to see that Louis was in the back of the classroom with a group of people already. I walked to the front of the room and picked a seat in the middle of the row.

The hour went by rather quickly because the professor mainly talked the whole time, but it was nice. I met these two beautiful girls named Jenny and Ela. They were so nice to me, they asked me to go to lunch with them, which I gladly accepted. We went to the place I went to last night. We got to know each other really well. We walked to the dorm buildings. Ela lived in the first and Jenny lived in the fourth. We all said goodbye and told each other that we would see each other soon. I made my way to our room and found that Lottie had left a note saying that she had gone to class and she would be back soon.

I was pretty tired from my day, and went to my room. I changed into my most comfortable pajamas and layed down on my bed letting sleep overcome me as my eyes slowly closed shut.

[A/N: Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in a while, but I have been so busy lately. Hope you enjoyed. This is kinda a filler chapter but whatever. OTRA is in 5 days and I can't wait! Please don't forget to like, comment and vote. Love you guys to the moon and back <3]

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