Chapter 34

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"Nikki Addison, I love you with all my heart." I was going to finish the line as slowly lift my head. But when I looked at him I was in a shocked state I couldn't speak. I gasped really loudly and I cover my mouth with my hands.

"Will you marry me?"


Nikki's POV

I was frozen. I was in complete shocked. He was proposing right here right now in front of my mum, Lottie, Liam and Sophia. Tears started to fall of happiness. I was still a little upset that he still liked Mary but I didn't care. All I cared about was the beautiful blue eyed feather haired boy kneeling down on one knee in front of me asking me to marry him. I looked around the room seeing that my mum, Lottie and Sophia had their hands covering their mouths like I did and Liam just had his mouth wide oped. I don't anyone knew this was coming. I look back at Louis with tears still streaming down my face. I could tell he was getting anxious.

"Forever and always." I say. He smiled his genuine smile.

"Is that a yes?" I nodded my head saying yes. The whole room bursted into cheers. As Louis put the ring on my finger he pulled me into a long lingering kiss. One full of only love and compassion. When we parted I went around the room giving everyone hugs. When I reached my mum and Liam, the nausea hit me hard. I ran to the bathroom excusing myself before giving Lottie and Sophia their hug. I closed and locked the bathroom door throwing up barely making the toilet. I heard a knock at the door. I didn't really want to talk to anyone but I probably knew who it was.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Lottie and Sophia. The best friend and sister-in-law in the world!" I giggle at her reference and unlock the door. Try look concerned and worried.

"Hey guys." I close and lock the door once more.

"What's up Nikki? You ran out of the room like a lightning bolt. What's wrong?" Sophia says.

"Well-" I was interrupted by throwing up again. "That's why." I say when I'm done. They both look at me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck!" Lottie pipes in.

"Yea. Started yesterday when I woke up at Zayn's clubhouse thing." I explain. They both nod their heads. On sync both their eyes widen and look at each other. It was scary. "Did I miss something?"

"When are you due?" Sophia asks quickly.

"Three days ago." I say without hesitation.



Louis' POV

She said yes! I was so happy. I finally had the guts to ask her. Then what better way to do so than tiring her shoe first. I thought I was down their, might as well. I've been wanting to ask her since we left London the first time. But I thought it was too soon. No one knew. That's what was the best part. I told no one I was even thinking about it. Their faces were priceless.

I noticed that a the girls were missing besides Nikki's mum. Then it hit me. It's the end of the month. It was the time of the month. The three of them were close to being synchronized. They all had theirs at the end of the month but only a couple days apart. And Nikki and Lottie aren't that fun for the week. But I understand. The girls come running out of the bathroom together and run into the living room.

"We need to go to the store and get champaign and ice cream to celebrate." We'll be right back." Sophia told all of us. I walked over to Nikki and gave her a quick peck.

"Be careful ok?" She just nodded and mumbled an ok and walked with the rest of the girls out of the house. It was a bit strange but like I said its that time of the month.


Nikki's POV

I was freaking out. I might be pregnant! I was happy and scared at the same time. We actually went to the store for champaign and ice cream. We just needed to pick up some pregnancy tests too. After we bought everything we headed back home. I kept the bag with the tests and headed to the bathroom. Lottie and Sophia went to put the stuff in the fridge and freezer giving me some time to do my business. I did what I had to do and put them on the counter. Seconds later Lottie and Sophia walk in the room.

"Did you take them?"

"Yes. Now we wait for 10-15 minutes." We just sat there and waited. We heard our names being called. We looked at each other deciding we'll come back and look at them later. We just have to keep the other three from going upstairs. We walk down stairs to be greeted by Louis and Liam. Liam takes Sophia's hand leading her to the couch and Louis taking mine doing the same thing. We sit there for like 20 minutes just talking. Mum gave everyone champaign but I asked for water because:
1. I didn't want to drink
2. Just in case I am pregnant you're not allowed to drink.

My mum knew I didn't like to drink that much unless I was really stressed. So she didn't seemed bothered by it. Neither did everyone else which I am thankful for. Louis got up and started to make a toast.

"Thank you guys for being here. I know it's not a lot of people but your the ones I only trust. The ones that I am willing to do anything for. Thank you for sticking with me through this. Liam and I have been trying for years to get out of what Zayn was doing to us. And we finally got it done. And I personally have one person to thank for that. And that's Nikki." He pauses and helps me stand up. "Nikki is the one who actually got me to want and try to leave London. Before her I just wanted out but stayed in because I had no reason to be out. And that's when you came." He looked at me. "You are why I'm here. You gave me a reason to leave. Something to live for. And whatever happens in the future, good or bad, I will never leave you like you never left me. Thank you Nikki. I love you with all my heart." He finishes and tears fall from my eyes once again.

"Forever and always." I say and grab my necklace gently in my hand. I never take the thing off. It means to much to me to take it off. He pull me in for another kiss. This one a little more heated than the last one but still. It was filled with all the things a kiss should have. It was getting cold. I asked Louos if he wanted his jumper as he happily denied. And everyone was the same. I walked to my room to grab one of Louis' jumpers that he gave me because his are a lot more comfy than mine. And he loves me wearing his clothes. I go to walk out and I see the bathroom light on. I forgot that the tests were up here. I was honestly scared to look. But I needed to know. I slowly walk into the bathroom looking at the test. I wrap the jumper tightly around me as my nerves sky rocket. I look down holding my breath as I look at the results.


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