Chapter 24

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Nikki's POV

It's been a couple weeks since I got those letters. And nothing's happened. Louis has been by my side like 24/7. But I'm not complaining. I love having him by my side every second of every day. He even finds a way to sneak into the diner after class. And nobody notices. I appreciate how much he truly cares for me. He like lives with me and Lottie just to make sure I'm good at all times. He is so sweet and makes me feel special. Around the same time I got the letters, Jenny went off somewhere. Ela and I had no clue what so ever on where she could have gone. Maybe she had a family emergency. We didn't faze it too much. It happens all the time.

Louis said the plan was going really well. He said we should be leaving by the end of the semester, which isn't that far away. Like a month or so. I was so excited. Mainly for Louis, because he's been trying to get away for such an long time and just now it's finally working.

I was walking home from the diner without Ela because she had to go to her younger brothers high school graduation thing and without Louis because apparently Zayn called him in to do something. Every time I heard that name, it sounded familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it. I pushed that thought aside walking out if the diner. I didn't mind walking home too much. I've done it plenty of times before. But this time I have a crazy ex on my ass. I honestly forgot my ex's name. I couldn't remember it to save my life. It was already 8 o'clock in thee evening and it was pitch black. I got a little scared and I felt like I was being watched. I shrugged that feeling off walking as fast as I could to the dorm. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I giggled at the contact knowing it was Louis.

"Hey baby. We're going for a little trip." And that's when I froze. It wasn't Louis voice. I started to panic, my heart rate increasing. I start to squirm to get out of his grasp but his hands only squeezed tighter.

"What do you think your doing?" He asks.

"Please let me go." I say.

"And why would I do that." He whispers against my ear.

"Just let me go!" My voice getting louder each word. I kept squirming his grip only getting tighter. It was starting to hurt. I knew I was going to have bruises on my hips. I relaxed for a moment hoping that he would lessen his grip. And he did.

"That's a good girl. Just come with me and no one will get hurt." I took that time to get away. Which I successfully do. I start to run to the dorm, but he just caught up with me throwing me to the ground. I suddenly had a hard time breathing. It felt like I couldn't breath. I think I broke my ribs. So I screamed hoping to get someone's attention. He only covered my mouth with a his hand.

"He told me you were going to be complicated." He then changed from covering my mouth with his hand to a cloth. I kept trying to scream and I was getting drowsier. Was he drugging me? WHAT THE FUCK! I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as I could, but my eyes fell completely closed. I felt a pair of arms pick me up and that's when I completely blacked out.


I woke up in a dark room. It was also very cold. I tried standing up from my laying position but epically failed. My arms and legs were chained to whatever I was strapped on.

"HELLO! IS ANYBODY THERE?!" I yell trying to get someone's attention. The for never opened. I kept screaming getting no where. It sounded like no one was going to come in anytime soon. I gave up on screaming. I was still having a really hard time breathing. I was so out of breath. It hurt just laying here. Then the door opened. Revealing two people standing there. One with curly hair and one with their hair in a quiff. They turn on the light making me close my eyes at the brightness.

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