Chapter 17

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Nikki's POV

We stood outside my dorm, for what seems like ages. We slowly made our way inside still keeping our gaze on each other.

"You want anything to eat?" I ask breaking the silence.

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all." I walk into the kitchen and start grabbing random things from the pantry. I walk back into the living room to see him typing away at his phone. I could tell he was texting someone, but I didn't want to invade his privacy so I decided to change into something more comfortable while I waited.

As I walk into my room I could see that I left my drapes open. I went to my dresser, which conveniently is right under my window. I close my blinds before I picked out any clothes to wear. I never left my spot as I changed, but as soon as I was finished I felt one hand on my eyes, and another around my mouth.

"Guess who?" The familiar voice rang through my ears. I giggled as I turned around to meet the gorgeous blue eyes that belonged to Louis.

"Don't ever do that again. You scared the shit out of me." I said has he chuckled. "Um Louis?"

"Yes Nikki."

"Um, how long were you standing there?" I ask getting super nervous.

"Well I saw you walk into your room while I was texting my mate. And when we finished I decided to follow you to your room to find you looking through your dresser. I didn't want to bother you so I just waited for you to finish. And to ask, did you play any sports before you moved here?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh. Um, yea I did football throughout junior high and high school." I stated, clearly embarrassed from what happened earlier.

"Well that explains why you have such a nice arse." With that he kissed my cheek and left the room. I started blushing like crazy. He just watched me change in front of him and complemented on my bum...this was clearly getting wired. But I liked it. I went to the living room a couple minutes later to find him with the tv on. I sit next to him, cuddling by his side. I start to shiver as the cold nights weather hit me. Louis seemed to notice because he wrapped both his arms around me to keep me warm. I was so comfortable in his arms, that me eyelids started to slowly close. After fighting for a while, I felt Louis kiss the top of my head and I just let sleep take over.

I woke up in my bed squinting at the bright lights from the bit of sunlight that came through my curtains. I slowly adjusted to the light and looked to see it was 10 in the morning. I wonder when Louis put me in here? Did he leave? I wish he didn't. Oh well, guess he had to go to his dorm to get some stuff or whatever.

I walk into the living room and stopped walking at the sight on front of me. Louis is knocked out on the couch and there's an unopened box of doughnuts on the table in the middle of the room. I small smirk came to my face as I see Louis moves on his side, back against the back of the couch so he's in a more comfortable position on the couch. I walk over to him and sit on the part of the couch where his stomach is and just admire how peaceful he looks.

After a couple of minutes I went to open the box in front of me getting hungrier and hungrier by the second. As I turned to face the table I felt a pair of arms grab me and pull me down so I was laying down back against Louis' front, his arms wrapped around my waist holding me down. I start to laugh and I suddenly feel a pair of lips on my neck which causes me to move my head to allow him more access.

"Morning beautiful." He says in his raspy morning voice against my neck. To say it was hot would be an understatement. It turned me on more than it should have.

"Morning. When did you get doughnuts?" I say as I turn to face him, his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"Right after I put you in bed. Thought I would be nice and get you something to eat."

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