How the Ninja Arts work

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The Ninja Art of Stealth: It works essentially like casting shadows. The Ninja Art of Stealth summons shadows to surround the entire area with dark shadows which can conceal both the Ninja and the battlefield. It ironically isn't the best for stealth since the shadows are visible to everyone, but would work in a pinch. Stealth is the first Ninja Art that a Ninja learns and will often catch an enemy off guard. When the Ninja uses the Art of Stealth they are the only one's who can see through the shadows, making it easy to sneak around.

The Ninja Art of Healing: It is emitted by launching red beams from the palms of the Ninja's hands. While the Ninja Art of Healing can heal all physical injuries it can not heal illnesses or remove poisons. The Ninja Art of Healing does leave behind scars but does remove all injury. For example, Rengoku still has a scar on his stomach and back from where Akaza's hand went through. Also Tengen's hand is completely discolored from the scarring. The Ninja Art of Healing can also fix machines to a certain extent. In canon Randy had fixed a bike with the Art of Healing once. Ninjas also can't use the Art of Healing on themselves too often, obviously they can use it if the fight is incomplete or are on the brink of death, but they can't use it for small injuries like small cuts or bruises. To make sure they don't abuse their power. It's usually the second of third Art that the Ninja will learn.

The Ninja Art of Flight: Probably one of the hardest Arts to learn since it acts simular to how a bird learns to fly. When the Nomicon sees that it's time for the Ninja to learn the Art of Flight it will pull the Ninja into the Nomicon anywhere between a day to a week to learn the basics. Learning the Art does not result in being an expert in flying. You still need to practice for a few weeks before you're doing flips midair. The Art of Flight transforms the Ninja's scarf (which every version of the Ninja suit has) into a pair of wings that attach to the back of the suit. While the Ninja can use their arms while they are flying to fight it isn't the smartest decision. Using their arms to fight while in the air can lead to balancing issues and if not careful the Ninja could easily plummet to the ground. 

The Ninja Art of Invisibility: Probably the simplest conceptually. The Art of Invisibility takes a large amount of focus to first learn but gets easier as time goes on. A Ninja must be completely still and silent the first time they disappear from the visible plane. But as they use it becomes easier.

The Ninja Art of Telepathy: The Art of Telepathy is basically mind reading. Knowing your enemy's thoughts can help you determine their next moves, but most Ninjas find this Art invasive at best and disturbing at worse. However if a Ninja practices the Art of Telepathy enough it will work as a certain degree of mind control as well. It could hypothetically completely brainwash people into obeying every action but after a Ninja of the past tried to make an army of innocent civilians (Not a Ninja that appears in canon) the Nomicon does not allow the Ninja to get to that level of Telepathy. 

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