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So, I know I've wrote about various characters relationships with each other but right now I want to talk about Zenitsu specifically.

First Ninja is neutral about Zenitsu. He doesn't particularly like Zenitsu, but holds no ill will. Thinks Zenitsu is a bit rude with his 'I only respect you if you respect me' policy, but still thinks Zenitsu is a better option than some people. *cough* Howard *cough*

The Nomicon however adores Zenitsu.

The Nomicon sees Zenitsu blatantly sass and disrespect people he is expected to and is just like, "Excellent display of courage. Wonderful job. Always question authority."

The Nomicon can easily read a person. It sees how Zenitsu is determined to protect the secret of the Ninja as well as gain enough strength and courage to help fight and the Nomicon respects the effort.

With Zenitsu's ability to hear emotions and intentions (in his weird poetic way, i.e. Giyuu sounds like waves and the intensity of waves translates to intensity of emotions) the Nomicon has access to knowledge it didn't previously have. And anyone who can figure out a secret identity by voice alone is a good choice.

Plus, Zenitsu is good enough at lying that his friendships won't even get in the way.

Zenitsu, despite his 'You don't respect me, I don't respect you' policy is fascinated by the Nomicon, even if it was blocked a bit by his initial confusion. 

I mean it's a magic book! And let's be honest Zenitsu is a huge book nerd. You cannot tell me that being an author was his first choice but got roped into being a demon slayer. 

And I feel like the Nomicon is willing to answer most of Zenitsu's questions that Ninjas would have to spend weeks or months in order to prove themselves worthy of the knowledge. I want Zenitsu to be really good at deciphering the Nomicon's cryptic messages.

The Nomicon totally would've chosen Zenitsu if it didn't already have Giyuu. Giyuu is a strong choice so the Nomicon wouldn't try to replace him but would wish that there would be a way for Zenitsu to be Ninja, even for a little bit. So, it would let Zenitsu train in the Nomicon whenever, so long as Randy or Giyuu are present.

The Nomicon should show Zenitsu its human form.

The Nomicon should fight Giyuu for custody.

Are either of them Zenitsu's legal guardian?


Are they going to fight for custody anyway?


Alternatively, the Nomicon pushed Giyuu to adopt Zenitsu so that Zenitsu can spend more time in the Nomicon.

The Nomicon 100% plays favorites and Zenitsu just overtook Randy as its favorite human.

The list goes as follows:

1. Zenitsu

2. Randy

3. Giyuu

4. Ninja of '05

5. Other various past Ninjas

6. First Ninja

7. The Ninjas that started abusing their powers

8. Mac Antfree (Will always be dead last)

No, Zenitsu does not know about this favoritism. He's too busy training in the paper dojo.

Randy suspects it and is a little bitter about Zenitsu getting all the answers immediately but at least now he doesn't have to worry about Zenitsu losing his memories.

Giyuu feels a weird sense of pride that he doesn't fully understand because he's still denying the father allegations.

All First Ninja feels is dread. He fears that soon he won't be the only ghost in the Nomicon and he doesn't think Zenitsu likes him.

Basically just... Zenitsu being the Nomicon's obvious favorite and Zenitsu being none the wiser.


The Ninja Slayer Extras: Headcannons and DrabblesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt