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Okay! You remember NomiRandy? Yeah so we're discussing the premise of him.

See, in my mind NomiPeople are made by the Nomicon as a way to punish a Ninja and teach them a lesson.

While NomiPeople do sort of "possess" the body of their original do not share all properties of them. NomiPeople all smell like parchment and ink instead of whatever their original smelled like. And they do not bleed or have proper heartbeats. They still have heartbeats however the beating does not quicken with adrenaline like a real heart. (They also cannot get sick or sneeze/cough)

NomiPeople do have personalities and live in a section of the Nomicon that the book does not allow others to see. NomiPeople have their own rooms and know everything about their originals.

NomiPeople are made to be the complete opposite of a Ninja in every way besides capabilities. For example if you enjoyed playing and instrument your NomiPerson would hate it but still would know how or if you hated cooking your NomiPerson would love it but would be terrible.

A NomiPerson has to listen to the Nomicon even though they don't like it. NomiPeople hold little to no respect for the Nomicon since most of their originals do. In fact most NomiPeople hate the Nomicon but if the Nomicon were to let them leave they will take the offer instantly with no more than a thanks.

A NomiPerson does have to follow a strict sense of rules so as their original's life isn't ruined by the time they learn their lesson.

NomiPeople also tend to loath their originals. They want nothing more to do what they want and their originals tend to get in the way.

A NomiPerson is made the second a person puts on the Ninja mask and destroyed the second the Ninja learns The Ultimate Lesson (aka stops being the Ninja completely memories and all)

See where I'm headed?

If you guessed our beloved demon slayers you would be correct!

I'm here to say that NomiGiyuu and NomiZenitsu do officially exist in my realm of ideas. (Do I call this an AU? Does my story count as an AU?) Technically I suppose that would mean NomiHoward would exist too but he doesn't matter.

NomiZenitsu is dull. He doesn't feel excessive emotions and cares very little about everything. Zenitsu while being very snarky is a person who cares immensely about those he trusts and gets into his emotions often and NomiZenitsu is made to be his exact opposite after all. NomiZenitsu longs for a way to leave the Nomicon so that he can wander. NomiZenitsu longs for adrenaline he will never feel and danger he will never truly be in. NomiZenitsu holds no connections to anyone and hates anyone that Zenitsu cares about despite not knowing how to express hate. NomiZenitsu is cold and straightforward. Sarcasm is not in his vocabulary. He does feel an echo of emotions but none of them will ever come at full force.

NomiGiyuu is impulsive and loud. A mischievous prankster who wears every emotion at full force. He is rash and holds no morals. A true asshole who's only goal is to bring himself entertainment. An agent of chaos if you will. He is desperate to leave the Nomicon simply because he's sick of it. He needs a change of scenery. Scratch that. He needs several changes of scenery. All in rapid succession. The chance for NomiGiyuu to be calm is like waiting for Muzan to die of old age. It ain't gonna happen. NomiGiyuu doesn't care if his actions hurt others as long as he's doing something.

I don't know if I want to actually include the NomiPeople in my main story or not yet. But I thought it was important that you guys at least know they exist and how they work. And I can always write something and put in in the extras page if I end up not using them. (But in all honestly i think NomiGiyuu would be so fun to write)

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