AU Ideas

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Okay so, I know that having Randy interact with Demon Slayer is already an au but I have ideas for others that I'd like to share and potentially add onto later because Giyuu and Randy bring me joy.

#1 Modern AU

Pretty straight forward, I would view it as a mix between Kimetsu Academy and the regular rc9gn canon.

I'm thinking as an exchange program, where 1 teacher and 1 student from both schools are swapped. Mac Antfree and Giyuu would be swapped since they are both gym teachers and Zenitsu would be swapped with someone(???) probably a character I don't know how to write.

I think that it would be a nice change to focus on Randy's world for an AU.

Randy would probably befriend Zenitsu, taking him to the Game Hole and doing other teenage boy things (Maybe Howard was the exchanged student so Randy wants to make friends?) and Giyuu is just kinda there at first. 

But Giyuu is observant I would notice that Randy seems to be intentionally doing bad in gym class. So naturally Giyuu questions Randy about this but Randy seems to dismiss every accusation with lame excuses like "What do you mean? I'm always like this." "Sorry Mr. Tomioka, I'll try harder next time." "I was just tired today." or "Who are you again?" (Randy was running out of excuses)

Things happen, further hijinks ensue. This one is the one I'm not sure how to put it together or what the plot would even be.

#2 Adopted Randy Au

So... Randy would live in 1912 in this au. Randy's mom would still be somewhat neglectful but since Japan would be cheaper to live in (unsure if true but for sake of au it is) they move to Japan. 

Randy is still friends with Howard and they communicate with letters.

So, Randy's over here in a new place and not adjusting well... when a strange man keeps popping up around his new village and well, the Ninja still exists.

Yep, you heard me right. We have 1 Ninja in this au! Randy starts investigating the strange man who he catches killing something!

So, Randy has some beef... or at least he does until he's trapped in his house staring at his mother's corpse.

Not a great situation.

It started off great! Randy and his mom were finally spending some time together when this strange creature burst through their window and began attacking.

His mom ended up protecting Randy from the creature since Randy couldn't get to his mask, however Randy did get a nasty blow to the leg so he's trapped.

Then in bursts the strange man who swiftly kills the creature.

Huh... So, I guess the man wasn't bad...

But Randy doesn't have time to dwell on that. The man is walking towards him.

Long future rambling short, Giyuu introduces himself to Randy and offers to take him to his estate/give his mother a proper burial. 

A few days later and Giyuu is telling the Hashiras/Master that he will be unavailable for a few days due to some legal issues.

When asked Giyuu just says he has a child, doesn't explain how he got said child or that the reason he will be gone is to legally adopt the child.

Randy will still call Giyuu by his first name, only because Giyuu offered it as a comfort.

This story would be an angst hurt/comfort fic with Randy healing from the death of his mother while also being in a completely different place with a new parental figure.

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