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I am a firm believer of Kaigaku being a brother figure to Zenitsu. Not a good brother figure, but a brother nonetheless.

I think that Jigoro told the two stories of the Corps Ninja. An ancient shadow creature that most referred to as 'The Shadow Slayer' due to its mysterious nature.

I believe that during Jigoro's time as a slayer he was saved once by The Shadow Slayer. (who was a different Ninja at the time) 

Kaigaku wouldn't believe the stories for a second. He would believe that the stories were just that. Stories. He thought that Jigoro just used those tales as a way to motivate them to train more, which was partially the case, but obviously not the full reason.

Zenitsu, however, believed the stories wholeheartedly. But after years of not seeing the Ninja that belief started to dwindle. That belief got fainter and fainter until Future first swooped down to defeat a demon.

Zenitsu recalled how Gramps would tell him stories of how the Shadow Slayer would swoop in a save a slayer and disappear without a word. How they would appear seemingly from nowhere only to vanish like a shadow. How Gramps believed that the Shadow Slayer would help purge the world from demons. And upon seeing Future and Slayer his belief is amplified stronger than is ever been.

And when he figures out the Ninjas' identities? Zenitsu feels proud. Nobody has ever gotten that close before. And he was determined to keep that secret and help the Ninjas complete their task.

The Ninja Slayer Extras: Headcannons and DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora