Chapter 6

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I pull into Sam's house about 30 minutes later and Bonnie's Jeep is the only car there. The door is unlocked so I let myself in and go into her room. They're drinking what looks like vodka lemonade, dancing and singing to Madonna's Like a Virgin. How is this my life? I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. I've never seen Bonnie so much as mention Madonna much less listen to her music and sing along. Bonnie finally sees me and stops to give me a hug. This is weird. She must be tipsy. She's always super affectionate when she's been drinking. She looks amazing though. She's wearing a burgundy shift dress that barely covers her ass with fishnet stockings. Sam wears her usual - an oversized sweater with jeans.

"Hey babe! I'm so glad you're here and OH! This song is, like, your anthem, bitch!" All the blood drains from my face. I say nothing. Sam turns the music down. She's clearly the only one out of the two of them to read the room after that comment. Bonnie, noticing how quiet I am chirps, "oh lighten up, Liz I'm just joking. I didn't mean anything by it. It's not a bad thing." Again, I say nothing, just wanting to turn around and go home. Sam comes over and hands me a drink. I down the entire drink immediately. It tasted like what I imagine all purpose kitchen cleaner tastes like if it had vodka in it. Bonnie notices and looks at Sam. She then hands me a black shirt and matching skirt and tells me to change. I go into Sam's closet and change, take a peek in her full length mirror, surprisingly happy with how I look. The top is square neck and low cut while the skirt is pleated and stops mid-thigh. Kind of like private school girl-esque. I'm not used to my stomach showing like this. My mood is ten times better already. I come out of Sam's closet and Bonnie nods with approval while Sam gives me a pair of black combat boots to wear. I'm going to freeze my ass off. I grab one of Sam's trench coats just in case. I don't know if I can take seeing Devin tonight. He was literally inside of me 2 hours ago. If he acts like I don't exist I might die. We have one more drink before we ride out to Patrick's. He only lives a street over from Sam's. We could walk if it wasn't so cold.

We pull up to the house and there are so many cars you can't see the driveway or the yard. I immediately feel like I might vomit. I can't even look at Bonnie for fear of blurting out that I slept with Devin. I shouldn't be drinking during a time like this. I mean she can't really be mad, she is the one who on more than one occasion has told me to fuck him, so I did.

We walk inside and there's a sea of people, half of whom I've never seen before. I'm wondering if these are kids from other schools or if I'm just that much of a loser.

Bonnie goes in first and of course everyone stops what they're doing and acknowledges her. Sam follows closely behind and soon we see Jillian with her boyfriend Brendan though it looks like they're fighting as usual. Jillian tells him to "fuck off" and runs towards us. Bonnie chimes in first, "hey, Jill. Everything good?" Jillian responds, "whatever, I'm trying to have fun tonight and he can't take it. I might just go fuck someone else in a bathroom or pretend I did just to piss him off." She laughs out loud. Bonnie shoots me a "what the fuck" look and I muffle a snicker. That felt like old times for a second. Sam and Jillian go to the bathroom together and Bonnie gets she and I something to drink. I'm scanning the room but I see Devin nowhere and I instantly relax. Bonnie and I go outside to the back patio and sit down by the fire. We sip white wine and sit in silence for a bit. Bonnie finally says, "hey, Liz I'm sorry if that comment earlier at Samantha's hurt your feelings. That wasn't cool of me. I haven't been a very good friend lately." I shake my head and say, "no, it's fine. And I don't think I've been a very good friend either. I think I'm jealous of Holly. She gets more time with you than I do. You never spent this much time with Spencer." She laughs, "well that's because he drove me crazy." I laugh along with her and she grabs my hand. It's warm and I instantly feel better. "There's nothing for you to be jealous of, babe. Holly can't hold a candle to you. You're my number one through it all, L. Anyone else will always take a backseat. You know that." My stomach fell into my ass. Goddamn I'm a piece of shit. She has no idea. I just smile and grab her hand harder. She moves in and kisses my cheek. She lingers more than I think she meant to. She says really close to my ear, "you look fucking hot in that outfit, I saw Harris Fields checking you out." I flush and cackle out loud. She says, "I'm serious! He totally turned bright pink! You look like a sex pot." I blushed again and said, "well Harris Fields can go kick rocks because he called me 'wormy' in eighth grade when I wouldn't sit on the bus with him." Bonnie spits out her drink from laughing. "Goddamn it, I love you, Lizzy," she says. Wow, both Rymans have called me Lizzy for the first time in what seems like forever. What does that mean? I start to really feel the alcohol and begin to say, "look, Bonnie, there's-" and then I see Devin walking right towards us. I let go of Bonnie's hand and pull my shirt down a little without even realizing it. I hope she didn't notice. My tits are basically all the way out and I fucking like it.

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