Chapter 28

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The past few days have been a little weird. Devin called me Monday night about our fight and apologized. He said I caught him "in a mood". It still didn't feel like we really made up. I didn't tell him about Jillian and me and I don't plan on it. I don't regret any of it. I haven't been at school since Tuesday because they're no longer taking attendance since exams are over. I saw Devin in class that day and we spoke briefly but it was awkward. Today is Thursday and graduation is tomorrow. I didn't see or talk to Devin yesterday at all.

Devin's friend Danny is having a pre-graduation party tonight and most of the seniors will be there. I really don't feel like going out but this may be the last time I see school friends for a while. There's another actual graduation party at Brooks' house tomorrow night but it's more just our friends.

Jillian called me and asked me to come over and get ready with her and Sam. Devin said a couple of days ago that he would pick me up from Jillian's on the way to the party and I could stay overnight with him. I'm assuming that's still the plan but we haven't talked in a day and a half so I'm a little worried.

I get to Jillian's around 8pm and Devin is supposed to pick me up at 9:30. I get up to Jillian's room. Samantha and her are changing. "Hey guys, I have no idea what to wear. Nothing fits me right now." I throw 3 outfits on Jillian's bed. She gives me the evil eye. "My name's Liz and I'm a skinny bitch, feel sorry for me!", she teases in a high pitched voice. I roll my eyes at her. "I'm trying to gain it back," I look at my butt in the mirror. "I swear my ass is shrinking," I say with a groan. Jillian shrugs, "looks the same to me." Samantha giggles. "You look great, Lizzy," she says. The first outfit I try on is a red dress that has a zipper detail. The zipper can be unzipped all the way beyond my boobs so it gives a lot of cleavage. The second is a matching cropped top and skirt. They're both black lace material. The third is actually Samantha's dress that I borrowed earlier this year. It's light blue and fitted at the bust but flows out at my hips. Very cute and a little less sexy than the first two. Samantha speaks up first after seeing all three on me. "I say go with the red dress." I look at Jillian. "Oh, for sure the red one. And pull the zipper all the way down," she smiles. Red it is. Jillian wears a royal blue fitted dress with an oversized leather jacket and Doc Martens. She looks amazing as always without even trying. Samantha, after much persuasion from Jillian, wears a white sundress that hits mid thigh and has a cut out that shows off her boobs. She looks great but uncomfortable. "Sam, you look hot," I reassure her. She looks at herself in the full length mirror and says, "okay, I do look hot." I throw on Sam's combat boots. I love them.

Devin arrives at Jillian's about 15 minutes late. I freaked out thinking he'd changed his mind. I climb in his truck. "Hey," I say. "Hey, Lizzy. Are we good? I don't think we've gone this long without talking. I didn't like it." I look over at him, "I didn't either. I felt like our conversation Monday night was a little awkward and I was afraid to call you after seeing you at school Tuesday. I wanted to give you your space." He rested his hand on my thigh. "I don't want space from you, baby. I'm sorry for calling you selfish. You're not selfish, at all, Lizzy. Let's just forget it, please. I smile, "it's forgotten." We pull into Danny's house and I grab the door handle to get out but Devin pulls me to him and kisses me. I climb on his lap in the driver's seat and kiss him again. "I love you," he whispers. "I love you, too," I whisper back.

Inside, the house is packed. There also tons of people on Danny's back deck. Biggie Smalls pumps out of the speakers. Sam and Jillian get there a couple of minutes after us. Devin gets the four of us cups of beer from the keg. Beer somehow tastes better out of a keg. Beth, Danny's girlfriend, and Kendra from Lit class spot us and come over. "Can you believe how many people showed up? Danny thought there might be 40 people, max but there must be double that. It's crazy," said Beth. She's having to shout because of the music and I can still barely hear her. "Let's go outside," said Jillian.

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