Chapter 42

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"Hi," she says first. She looks fucking incredible, of course. I look around and ask, "where's your car?" She laughs nervously and says, "I had one too many tequilas and had a friend bring me home. It's embarrassing, I don't usually drink like this." I smile, "it's not embarrassing. It happens. At least you were responsible." She nods. We stand there, awkwardly, neither of us knowing what to say. "You don't seem drunk. I mean, you keep it pretty hidden, you're not sloppy like some people. Some people being me," I ramble. She laughs, "yeah? I guess I've always handled my liquor pretty well. I've only gotten sick maybe twice. And you're not sloppy, you're actually pretty cute when you're drunk." I blush and look down at my feet. She presses her lips together tightly and says, "that was weird. Sorry." I smile, "no, it wasn't. Don't apologize. Hey, I was just leaving actually, so..." she nods, "oh, yeah, that explains why you're outside." She places a palm to her head and giggles. "Sorry," she says again, "I'm feeling that last shot before I left." She sits on the porch step. I sit down next to her and say, "stop apologizing, weirdo." She laughs. "I'm glad I ran into you," she says. I look up with a tiny smirk, "oh yeah? Why's that?" "Well I kind of wanted to see how you were and clear the air a little. I absolutely hate how our last conversation went a few months ago. I play it over and over again in my head thinking how I could've handled it differently. I see now that I clearly led you on and it wasn't cool. It makes me feel like shit. I did have feelings for you, ya know." She looks up at the sky then back down to me. "Really," is all I can say. She nods, "yes. I was scared, Liz. Terrified. I still am. Gia was my first love and she broke my heart. Ripped it to fucking shreds actually. Like it was nothing to her. I'll never forget just how easy it was for her. The look on her face." She looks away for a few seconds and then turns back to me slowly and continues, "I'm sorry for unloading all of this on you. It's the tequila. But really I'm not that drunk." I take a deep breath in and sigh. "Wow. I had no idea, Tori. I wish you would've told me but I totally understand why you didn't. It wasn't really my business. But I get it now. And I want you to know I'm not angry at you. I mean, I was, but I'm not anymore," I giggle and she does too. The sound of it brings goosebumps to my skin. "What I'm saying is, I'm sorry, Tori. That you went through that. I don't know how anyone could do that to you. You're amazing. Incredible, actually, it's kind of annoying how cool you are," I say a little embarrassed. She smiles again and says, "I still have feelings for you. I really do think about you. Every single day." My heart beats so fast and loud I wonder if she can hear it. I say, "so do I, Tor. I think about you constantly even when I try my absolute hardest not to." She sighs and closes her eyes. "Nothing's changed though. Our lives are in two totally different directions right now. We'll never see each other and it'll just cause fights and resentment." A wave of Deja vu hits me. I've done this before. With Devin. Why does this keep happening to me? Before I can answer she says, "it's late and I really don't want to talk about this drunk so would you be willing to meet me tomorrow? I'd rather not talk here with Jillian around, how about the park in Midtown around lunch? We can grab a slice and talk." I stand and say, "sure. I'd love to." I grab her hand and pull her from the steps. "Goodnight, Tor," I say walking away. She smiles and waves.

The next day I get ready to meet Tori. Not feeling the best, I throw on a chunky blue sweater and leggings. The effort is minimal but I suspect Tori will be hungover too.

Tori is sitting on a bench with a large pizza box. I walk over with a surprised expression. She notices and says, "I don't know about you, but I definitely needed more than a slice today." She opens the box and I take a slice and sit. "I'm not complaining. Frankie's pizza is fucking amazing." We eat in silence for a bit before she says, "so as I said last night, how the hell is this supposed to work?" She gestures between us with her hands. I shrug, "I don't know, Tori. You can't always have a plan. Not to sound like a total douche, but sometimes it just takes a leap of faith and trust. All we can do is be together and make it work." She sits on that for a second and says, "and if it doesn't?" I take a bite of pizza. "I guess it just doesn't. I know you're hesitant because of Gia but Tori, I'm not Gia. You can't stay hung up on that. You have to trust me." She tilts her head and says, "I know. I never told you what exactly happened with she and I, did I?" I shake my head. "She cheated on me. With my best friend. A guy. She said she was a lesbian and I had every reason to believe her. We were together for 3 years and one day, we just weren't anymore. It's not being in a relationship that scares me. It's the same thing happening to me again. She decides she doesn't actually like girls. It was a 'phase'. Her words. I was a phase, Liz. It destroyed me." I feel tears welling up in my eyes because I'm heartbroken for her. "Tori, I would never ever do that to you. I know I'm into men and women but I know what I want. I'm not confused and this is definitely not a phase. What she did to you was horrible. But I wouldn't dream of treating anyone that way, especially someone I care about. How did you find out about it? The affair?" She looks out at the trees in front of us and says, "he called me. My friend, Harry. He said it was eating him up inside and begged her to tell me but she wouldn't. And when I confronted her she had no defense. She didn't fight for me or anything. She didn't even pretend to care. I wasted so much time on her, Liz."

A few minutes go by with neither of us speaking. I had said everything. My peace. Finally, she looks at me and says, "let's do it. Let's try this. I'm scared shitless but I don't think I would be if I didn't want to be with you. I do want to be with you, so badly." I grab her hand and beam up at her. "Me too. You don't even know. All I want to do is make you happy."

I follow Tori back to her place and notice Jillian's car isn't here. As soon as Tori and I are inside we crash into each other without a word. I force my tongue in her mouth as we stumble into her bedroom. "I've missed you so much," I breathe out as I remove her shirt. She groans and pulls my hips to her. She tugs at the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head and unclasps my bra. My tits spill out and she stares at them before slowly running her hands all over them desperately, like I'm not real. I can't take it anymore. I fumble with the buttons on her jeans and slide them down. I take off my own and kneel in front of her as I hook my fingers around her thong and pull it down slowly. My mouth finds her clit immediately and I suck it as hard as I can. She cries out and her breath hitches as I continue licking and sucking over and over. "Goddamn it," she yells out as her legs shake and she falls to the bed. I keep going, inserting fingers into her until she loses herself in me.

I climb up her body and kiss her again, "you taste so good," I tell her. I move my lips to her tits and suck as her hand finds my pussy and she fingers me slowly. Unable to take it, "please, more, I need more, make me come," I beg. She flips me over and eats me from behind and it's not long before she does as I ask. I come, hard, yelling her name as I collapse on the bed. "We're not done," she whispers next to my ear. I smile and position myself on top of her and we fuck until we both come again, together.

After we've caught our breaths, we sprawl out next to each other. I shift my body towards her and lower my head to her breasts. I stare at her, my tongue slowly swirling around her nipple, my hand on her other one, pinching and rubbing. "Liz," she sighs. I keep licking and move my hand down, rubbing slowly and pushing my fingers inside her. She moans and sucks on her lip, biting it and it drives me crazy. "I told you, all I want is to make you feel good. All the time," I say. She pulls my face to hers and kisses me hard. I roll her over so she's on top of me and I grab her ass as we continue making out. "I never want to stop touching you. Let's stay like this all day," she says. And we do.

Later that evening, Tori and I sit in the kitchen eating more pizza we ordered so we wouldn't have to leave the apartment. "My flight is at 9 in the morning. I'm gonna be gone for two weeks," she says, a pained expression on her face. I sigh, "I can't believe I just got you back and I won't see you for two whole weeks. It's not fair." I grab her hand and squeeze it. She nods, "I know. It's terrible timing. We're good at that." She smiles and leans over to kiss me.

Tori walks me to my car and we kiss and embrace for a few minutes. "It's just two weeks," she says. I frown. "But I'll be going back to school a week after that." She pushes my hair behind my ear and says, "so we'll have one week together with nothing else going on. That sounds amazing." I kiss her again. "It does. Let's spend most of it in your bed." She smirks and says, "obviously."

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