Chapter 27

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Later that evening, I'm sitting in my room hungover from the vodka I was drinking at 2pm. What the fuck is going on? I start to have a major realization that all I'm doing is partying and drinking. I don't know if I'm trying to distract myself from Bonnie's death or if this is how I'm grieving, but this is unhealthy behavior and I can't spend the entire summer doing this everyday. I sit at my desk and grab a piece of notebook paper and start writing, "TO DO BEFORE COLLEGE". I jot down several things like, "summer job", "read 3 books", "spend time with my parents", "go on dates with Devin", "less parties". I decide to start fresh after graduation and make better of my life.

I undress to take a shower and notice I look really thin. I've barely eaten since Bonnie died and I'm starting to look sick. I run back to my room, naked, and jot down "eat more" on my to do list.

After I get out of the shower I call Devin. He answers,

"Hey Liz, what are you up to?"
"Nothing, I'm having some sort of existential crisis."
He laughs, "do tell."
"Devin, I'm serious. I don't know if it's because I don't know how to deal with Bonnie's death or what, but I think the drinking and partying is getting a little out of hand. That's all we've been doing lately."
He sighs, "Lizzy, we're seniors. It's what everyone does. Does this mean you don't want to hang out with our friends anymore? Because that's what they're going to want to do."
"No, of course that's not what I want. I just wouldn't mind us going out just the two of us here and there and having quiet nights in where we don't drink. I'm just tired of it being almost everyday. I feel like shit."
"Okay, I guess we can take breaks some nights if that's what you want."
Frustrated, I say, "is that not what you'd want, too?"
He hesitates, "that's not what I'm saying. It's just that we only have a couple more months before everyone goes in different directions and before we have different priorities. We're not going to see these people much longer and I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to party and live it up while we can."
"Devin, all I'm asking for is a few weekends where we chill and spend time just us, or with our families together. I don't think that's too much to ask."
"Lizzy, I said we can take breaks. I'm not sure why you're getting upset. You can't be mad at me for wanting to go out with my friends, you included. I'm sorry if you're feeling some sort of guilt about Bonnie but you're being a little selfish."
"You did not just call me that. I am the furthest from selfish. Bonnie was my best friend. She's only been gone a few weeks and it's like everyone has forgotten her."
"No one has forgotten her, Liz. And yes, I'm fully fucking aware she was your best friend. She was also my sister, Liz. You're not the only one dealing with this. Like I said, selfish. Look, this conversation is going nowhere. Call me when your fucking crisis is over." He hangs up on me.

My jaw drops. I'm floored. Devin has never spoken to me like that before. In that tone. How fucking dare he call me selfish. Fuck that. I don't have to deal with this. I get dressed and call Jillian. She and Sam are still hanging out in the pool house.

I get to Jillian's pool house and walk inside. Jillian is sitting on the couch, I don't see Sam. "Where's Sam?", I ask. "She's coming back, she went to eat a quick dinner with her mom." Perfect. I grab Jillian's hand, "office. Now." She looks surprised but obliges. We go in the office and lock the door behind us. I start to explain, "Devin and I are fighting and.." she interrupts, "I don't care." She starts kissing me and removes my shirt then hers. I walk her backwards as we make out and lift her up so she's sitting on the desk. I unbutton her jeans and pull them down along with her underwear. She starts breathing heavily. I sit on the desk chair so my face is inches from her pussy. I shove my mouth into her and finger her while I lick and suck her. She leans back on her elbows and starts moaning. I flick her clit over and over again with my tongue. She leans up and grabs my hair, "ohhhh fuck, yes, yes, yes," she moans. "Don't stop, I'm close," she calls out. I suck harder and jam my fingers inside her. Soon her legs shake and stiffen around me as she comes. She hops off of the desk, totally naked. I undress fully as well and sit back on the chair and pull her towards me. She straddles me and roughly rubs my tits and kisses me hard. I suck on her tongue and softly bite her lips. She moans and moves her mouth to my tits and grinds her hips on top of me. This is the first time we've been totally naked together. I feel her pussy graze against me and I moan loudly. I never planned on taking it this far with Jillian, but after the way Devin spoke to me a few hours ago I want it. Fuck, I need it.

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