Chapter 16

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Jillian, Samantha, and I arrive to Patrick's house around 10. The place is packed as usual. I'm anxious to go in but I'm excited to party and blow off some steam, especially since Jillian is single. She's a lot of fun and doesn't give a fuck when she's not with Brendan. I can't wait.

We walk in and Samantha goes over to Jason. Jillian and I go into the kitchen and start taking shots of tequila. It feels so good. After 3 shots I'm starting to feel tipsy. Jillian takes my hand and we head into then living room where everyone is dancing. Feels So Good by Mase pumps through the speakers. Jillian and I dance. I literally forget everything else and just dance. My eyes are closed and I let the fuck go. I back my ass on to Jillian and she grabs my hips and dances with me. Teresa Davis comes over and joins us. I'm having a fucking blast. Jillian shouts over the music, "god damn, Liz, I've never seen you like this and it is AWESOME! Shake your fucking ass, bitch!" We both laugh and scream to the words of the song.

After a few songs I decide I need another drink. Jillian stays in the living room with Teresa. I grab the tequila and make myself a margarita with some mix I find in the fridge. I walk back to the living room and Jillian is making out with Teresa in a corner. I back out of there and giggle quietly to myself. Go Jill! I decide to walk outside where the fire is lit and that's when I see her.

That fucking cunt is sitting at the fire with Holly fucking Jackson with her leg on top of hers and they are laughing like they're having the time of their fucking lives. Like I don't exist. I almost scream. Instead, I calm down and casually walk over to them. "Hey, Holl! How are you, girl? Good to see you!" I'm losing it and I don't care. Bonnie hardly reacts. "Bonnie, can I talk to you for a minute? Over there?" I point to an area on the porch. She barely looks at me. "Yeah, I guess," like I'm the biggest inconvenience ever. She gets up and follows me.

We sit on the bench. "Are you stoned?!" She looks at me and says, "yeah, a little bit. So?" I decide to move on. "Bonnie, what the fuck are you doing? You haven't called me in days, you don't even ask how the funeral was, how I'm doing, NOTHING. Do you not even give a fuck?"
She gets in my face, "maybe I don't but hmm I think Devin does, doesn't he, Liz?" I cringe at her saying his name. "What does that mean?"
"You know exactly what it means, Liz," she hisses. "I know he was at your house that day, comforting you, making all the bad things go away, being your shoulder to cry on and god knows what else." I laugh maniacally. I'm drunk. How did she know this? "We didn't even leave the porch, Bonnie. But you know fucking what? He did comfort me. He actually gives a shit about me when my fucking grandmother dies. My own best friend sure doesn't. All you care about is yourself. And having sex all the time. You're probably fucking Holly too, huh?" My filter is officially nonexistent. "Oh, all I care about is having sex? What about you? You initiate it just as much as me. Don't act like you don't love it. And that's what happens when a relationship is new, you idiot, you have sex a lot! Everyone knows that, except you of course. Little Virgin Mary, Lizzy. Nice dress by the way, it screams 'attention whore' in all the ways you want it to in case you were wondering."
I'm speechless and truly disgusted. "Bonnie, you're disgusting and I'm ashamed of you. You're a fucking embarrassment. And you didn't answer my question about Holly." She laughs. "Say whatever you want precious Little Lizzy, I'm always the bad guy, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure Devin will kiss your baby boo-boos. And no, I'm not answering that question because it's a ridiculous question." I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe you're treating me like this. I'm not letting you ruin my night. Just stay the fuck out of my way and go smoke another blunt with your fuck buddy, you fucking miserable bitch. Oh, and I was a virgin until I fucked your brother's brains out. And it was INCREDIBLE!" I storm off before she has a chance to say something else cruel about me. I know I'm being a child and I don't care.

I head back inside, down my margarita and brace myself on the kitchen counter, breathing heavily in and out. I feel like I'm having a heart attack. I feel a hand on my back. I whip around to see Devin. I relax immediately. "Hey, Lizzy, are you alright?" I laugh, "sure, Devin. I'm drunk. Oh! And Bonnie and I are over. She's back with Holly." He winces. "Fuck, Lizzy. I knew this would happen. I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" I drink another tequila shot, and pour one for Devin, he drinks it. "No, I'll be fine. I'm drinking to forget. Cheers, Devin." I smile and he says, "I'm going to take a piss, I'll catch up with you later, don't go far." I stand there excited to see him again but trying to remind myself that I'm drunk. I walk into a bedroom to try and clear my thoughts. I pass by Devin again on my way, standing in a very long bathroom line right across from the room I'm in. I laugh at him and he rolls his eyes.

I sit on the bed in whoever's room this is, it looks like a guest room, and try to collect myself. What the fuck is happening?! I told Devin that Bonnie was with Holly again, I don't know that. She's probably not but it doesn't fucking matter. Bonnie might love me, but she's too fucking self-centered to be in a committed, mature relationship. I will never ever forget the way she just spoke to me. She just needs a fuck buddy and I'm not it. All of a sudden the bedroom door opens. It's Patrick Grainger. My heart stops. I hop off the bed to leave.

"Lizzy, I thought I saw you come in here." He walks towards me and I stand, frozen. "You know, it's no wonder you rejected me last weekend, I heard you're a lesbo. I gotta be honest, that makes me so horny." He shoves me into the bed and I push him as hard as I can, but he's too strong. "Get the fuck off me!" He doesn't listen. "God, your tits are huge. I'm going to squeeze them." I shove him again and knowing he was just outside the door, I scream as loud as I can, "DEVIN! DEVIN! HELP ME!!!" Seconds later, the door slams open and thank god, it's Devin and another guy, Brooks. They grab Patrick off of me and throw him to the ground. Devin looks like he might kill him. "You piece of shit! What did I fucking tell you?! I'm going to fuck you up," he punches him over and over and over again. "Devin. That's enough, DEVIN! Stop! Brooks, get him off of him before he kills him!" A crowd starts forming and these idiots are just standing there staring. Brooks and another guy that I don't recognize, finally get Devin off of Patrick and he calms down. Patrick just lays there, bloody and coughing. I laugh. He deserves it. Devin grabs me and says, "I'm taking you home. Let's go." I don't argue. I was stupid to come back here. He drags me out by my hand and we pass by Bonnie in the kitchen. Our eyes meet and her jaw drops at the sight of me and Devin leaving together. Good. I hope she thinks the worst.

Devin puts me in the car and asks repeatedly if I'm okay. I tell him I'm fine. I'm not. But that's what I tell him. He drives the short drive to my house. My mom's car isn't there. As we sit in the driveway I say, "thanks, again. You're my savior way too often, Devin." I laugh, embarrassed. "I wouldn't even think twice. Do you want me to walk you inside?" I nod my head yes. We walk inside and I see a note on the fridge. "I'm staying at Cindy's. I'll be back in the morning." Thank god. Devin comes upstairs to my room and I suddenly feel shy for some reason. This man has been naked in this very room more than once. I grab some clothes and stumble trying to take my boots off. I'm a sloppy drunk. "Here, I'll help you get undressed, ahem, and re-dressed..." he looks away as he removes my tights and dress. I stand there in only my underwear and bra. I struggle undoing the bra clasp so he gets it for me and my tits spill out. His eyes drop to them full of lust. My hands grab them and he clears his throat. The tequila makes me bold and I take his shirt off. He lets me. He stretches out and takes my tits in his hands and groans, "holy shit, I can't resist you." We kiss and end up on the bed. After making out for a minute or two, he breaks away. "Lizzy, as much as I want this, god damn do I want you, I think we should stop before you do something you regret. We're both drunk. I should go." He goes to stand, I pull him back down. "Devin, please, stay here with me tonight. Please. I'll put my clothes on," I tease. He agrees and gets in bed next to me after we've gotten dressed.

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