Chapter 35

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I pull up to Jillian's with Sam in tow to show her my new car. I'm nervous to see Tori. Sam asks, as if able to read my mind, "did you and Tori end up going out again?" "Yeah, the next day actually. We grabbed a late lunch and just talked. She had to get to work soon after so we weren't together long. I really like her though," I smile, then frown. "What's wrong then," Sam asks. "Devin and I just broke up, Sam. And not to mention, we leave for Athens in one week. What the fuck am I even doing here? I make terrible decisions. When we get to school you are in charge of all my personal life decisions, Sam," I say and place my palm on my forehead. "Deal," she laughs then continues, "Lizzy, regardless of how long ago the break up was, it's just that. A break up. You and Devin aren't together anymore. Point blank. It was a mutual decision and you shouldn't feel any guilt for seeing someone new. You clearly like her." "What about leaving in a week, though? This wasn't supposed to be anything," I say. "Well, it's really not, is it? You've only gone out what, twice? Why make it complicated when it doesn't have to be? Hang out as much as you want for the next week and then leave it at that. Let it be what it is," Sam says. Wow, that's a great perspective. I process her words for a beat then say, "goddamn it. You're wise, Sam. I'm the only one complicating this as usual. Thank you." She smiles, "you're welcome, Roomie. And yes, I know, I'm very wise." We giggle in unison.

Jillian meets us in the driveway. "You're fucking kidding me with this?! You did not get a brand spanking fucking new Mercedes!" She's practically screaming. I laugh, "do you want to get in?" She scoffs, "I couldn't," as she moves into the driver's seat. I roll my eyes, "well, you are though." She runs her hands over the steering wheel, "holy shit! This is so badass, Liz. I'm officially jealous as fuck. Congratulations." I smile and say, "thanks, Jill."

Inside, Tori is cutting vegetables. "You guys want to stay for dinner? I'm making spaghetti bolognese. My specialty." Jillian speaks up before anyone else can, "Sam was just saying how much she was craving pizza so the two of us are going to grab that and we'll be back. Lizzy loves spaghetti so, enjoy!" I shoot her a look. "Jillian, are you..." she interrupts, "bye!" And the two of them leave. Tori laughs, "oh, my god." I rolled eyes again, "classic Jill," I say. "Hey, I'm not complaining," Tori says as she walks over to me and pulls my waist to hers. We kiss for while and she moves us to the couch. I climb on top of her and we make out for several minutes. "Dinner can wait, do you want to...?," she breaths out and points to her bedroom. I nod and follow her. I think about what Sam says and feel nothing but lust for this beautiful woman. We sit on her bed, still kissing and I remove her shirt. She's not wearing a bra so her tits fall into my face and I cup them while kissing her. "You have no idea how much I want this," I say in a gritty voice. She smiles and quickly removes my shirt. Her eyes go wide when she sees my breasts, she almost gasps and her mouth immediately goes to them, sucking. I moan and press my body hard against hers. "Take your shorts off," she orders and I do as I'm told along with my underwear. I pull her shorts and underwear down as well and I gawk at her body. "Tori, you're, you're perfect, come here, now," I demand. She walks to me and we stand, naked, our arms wrapped around each other, kissing. I shove her to the bed and plant my face into her crotch and eat her pussy like my life depends on it. She moans my name and I lose it. I crawl up her body and say, "see how good you taste," as I kiss her. We continue having sex, our bodies glued to one another.

We lie in her bed, naked, laughing. "God, Liz, you're good at this," she says smiling. "Is it okay if I ask how many women you've slept with?", she asks innocently. I prop myself on my elbow and turn to face her. "You're my third woman. There's only been the one guy. He's the only one I've been in love with, though. I thought I was before that but I didn't know what love was until him," I say and can feel my face frown. She looks at me sympathetically and says, "you still love him." I nod silently. "That's a good thing. It really meant something then. Your relationship, that is. For what it's worth, it took me about 8 months to finally get over Gia, my ex in Chicago. Hell, I'm not sure I'm totally over it, but this does help," she smiles. "Thank you," I say. Raising her brows she says, "for what?" "For being so kind."

We get dressed and Tori finishes cooking dinner. We eat and talk about life. It's nice. "Since you're leaving in a week, I think it's best we just stay friends. As I said before, I'm not ready for anything more than that and I know you aren't either." I nod in agreement, "yeah, you're right. I really like you, Tori. You're a great person. Maybe one day this could turn into something more." She nods slightly, "one day. I like you, too, Liz. And I liked have sex with you so something more, later of course, isn't off the table," she giggles. "Tori," I say slowly. "Is that short for Victoria," I ask. She laughs, "yeah, it is. Victoria Frances Vincent." "Victoria Vincent," I repeat. "Sound's like a Quinten Tarantino character." She laughs again, snorting, and it's a beautiful sound. "The only person allowed to call me Victoria is my grandma, Liz, don't even think about it," she teases.

Jillian and Sam return not long after and we spend the evening laughing and drinking wine. Tori leaves for work soon after and it's just the three of us. "This might be the last time in a while that the three of us hang out," Sam says with sadness. "I'm coming up there in a month for the first weekend party," Jillian assures her. "I know, but still. It's crazy to me. All of it is. I'm just nervous to be away from home is all." I reach for Sam's hand, "you'll have me, and I'll have you," I say. Jillian sighs, "alright, this is getting too depressing for me. Let's talk about something else. Oh! I forgot, Liz, I saw Devin yesterday." I cringe at his name. "Where?" I ask. "I had to print some papers for school at the library and he was walking out as I went in. We had a nice, super awkward exchange. He asked how you were," she says. "And what did you tell him," I ask, on the edge of my seat. "I told him you were fine, that you were getting ready for your move. That's literally it. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days," she says. "That makes me sad," I sigh and look away. 

The next day, I'm sitting in my room and I can't get what Jillian said out of my head. "He looked tired," I say out loud. For some reason, I pick up the phone and I'm dialing his number. It rings and I almost chicken out and hang up but he answers right away.

"Devin, hey. It's Liz."
There's a couple seconds of silence.
"Oh. Hey, what's up?" He sounds like he just woke up.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
"No, I'm awake."
"Okay. Hey, would you be interested in getting lunch today? It's definitely okay if you don't want to, I've just been thinking about you and since I'm leaving soon I.." he interrupts
"Sure, Lizzy. Lunch would be good. Ugly Duckling?"
"I'll meet you there at noon."

My Life with the RymansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora