Chapter 7

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I dreamt about Devin all night. I woke up with Bonnie thinking about her stepbrother. I'm a terrible person. When I got out of bed she wasn't there. My head pounded from the alcohol. I started to panic. I went to the bathroom and washed my face then went downstairs. Bonnie and Steph were in the kitchen talking over coffee. How come Bonnie didn't look hungover? My heart sank wondering what they could be talking about.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. Do you want some coffee?", Steph called out to me. I smiled and nodded. I sat down next to Bonnie. She continued sipping her coffee. She didn't look at me. I wondered if she was upset about what happened last night or if it was about Holly. Either way, I was worried and instantly filled with regret. Steph poured coffee into a pink mug with yellow daisies on it and gave it to me. She asked if we wanted to get pedicures with her today. Bonnie spoke up first, "no, thanks, I've got some school stuff to work on and I need to go by the library." I shook my head, "I've got to get home and study as well." Steph finished her coffee and went into her bedroom. Bonnie started up the stairs and I followed a couple of minutes later, my head enjoying the quiet.

"B, is everything okay?" I couldn't stop yawning. She was sitting on the floor, knitting again. "Yes, I'm just upset about the whole Holly thing is all". I started to get dressed. "Do you want me to go to the library with you? Or maybe grab some lunch later?" She continued knitting without looking at me. "No, I really just said that to get Steph off my back. I just want to wallow alone. I hope that's okay, Liz". Stunned, I said, "yeah, B. Of course it is. I'll see you at school tomorrow". She still didn't look up, so I shut the door behind me and left. Devin was in the bathroom shirtless brushing his teeth. He gestured me in there. "Hey Liz, about last night... are you alright?"
I shrugged, "yes, I'm fine. Thanks for what you did, that meant a lot to me. I had a lot more to drink than I normally do. Not that that excuses Patrick's behavior." He stared straight into my eyes and said, "I won't have anyone treat you like that whether you're drunk or not. If I'm around, no one will mess with you, Lizzy. That was fucked up." I froze with disbelief. Again, I said, "thank you, Devin." I was beaming. He put on a shirt and softened up, "hey, would you wanna get some lunch and hang out today? I know it's last minute." I smiled, surprised. "Sure, I need to go home and put myself back together, pick me up in an hour?"

My mom wasn't home when I got there so I went straight to take a shower and when I got out she was in my room. Perplexed, I asked "Hi, mom, what's up?" She sat up straight on my desk chair. "Nothing, where've you been?" I sat on the bed in a towel. "I stayed at Steph's." She just looked at me. "Is there anything else, mom? I've got somewhere to be in less than an hour." She nodded. "I'm just worried about you." I sighed, "why are you worried about me? I'm fine, mom, Jesus Christ." Without answering my question she says, "you know your father cheated on me?" I basically fell to the floor. "Yeah. He did. With more than one woman. Over the last decade. So before you continue treating me like the dirt on your shoes let that sink in. Dad's not so perfect after all. I love you, Lizzy, but you've got a lot to learn, kid. I'll be at Cindy's if you need me." She abruptly charged out of the room. I laid on the bed with Floyd and cried. I cried and cried so much I forgot about Devin. I looked at the clock. He'd be here in 20 minutes. I put myself together as best as I possibly could. I threw on a cardigan and jeans with flats. My mom was already gone when I got downstairs. She said she was going to Cindy's, her friend from high school. I think she's been staying there. I walked into her bedroom. It doesn't look like she's slept in her bed in days.

The doorbell rang a few minutes later and Devin was there. I was feeling better already. "You ready?" I smiled and nodded.

We went to this cute little diner in town called The Ugly Duckling. I ordered a turkey club sandwich while Devin got a cheeseburger. It might've been the hangover, but it was the best sandwich I've ever had. I've never been here before and it's only 15 minutes from my house. "Devin, I gotta ask, why did you ask me to lunch? It's not because you feel sorry for me because of what happened at that party, is it?" Devin immediately said, "no, of course not. I asked you to lunch because I want to get to know you better. We grew up together but I feel like I don't really know you all that well aside from what I've heard Bonnie say." I giggled, "I can only imagine what she's said about me. She's so hot and cold these days. I never know where I stand with her. But Devin, the thing is, I think I actually like you. Before you say anything, I know I said no strings, and I meant it, but after yesterday, it just felt so easy and nice and yeah... you know? And you were loud and clear about your stance on everything before this started so it's more than fine if you don't feel the same way. I agreed to it all. I'm totally happy just having a little fun." He giggled and reached for my hand, I gave it to him. "You're cute. I like you too, Liz." He leaned in a little closer and half-whispered, "now, you wanna get the fuck out of here?" I jumped up so fast I shook the table.

We went back to my place my mom was still gone. Devin and I went into my room and started tearing each other's clothes off. It's like we couldn't help ourselves. Before I could even think about it we were both naked under the covers kissing, touching, everything. His hands were in my hair kissing every part of my face and neck like he hadn't seen me in years. He got on top of me this time and threw my legs in the air as he slid himself inside of me. My lips parted and a large moan escaped from them as I gasped for air. I needed more. I grabbed onto his back as he continuously pushed into me over and over again. Yesterday was great but this was something different entirely. It was more than just sex. I know it was.

After it was over we lay in bed for a while, holding each other and steadying our breathing. Before I knew it we were at it again and then again once more. I was exhausted but so happy. He looked over at me and just stared. I said, "what?" He said, "you really are so beautiful, Lizzy." I melted. After a while, we got dressed and went downstairs. My mom was still gone. It was nearly 3 o'clock. We were starving from all the sex. I heated up some leftover pizza for us. As we ate at the counter together I couldn't help but ask, "Devin, what is this?" He looked at me with pizza in his mouth. "What's what?" I hit him in the shoulder. "You know what. Is this gonna be like, a thing?" He swallowed. "Do you want it to be like, a thing?" I smiled, "maybe." He looked at his watch, "shit! I've got to be at the soccer field in 15 minutes." Soccer practice on a Sunday? He must have noticed my confused face and said, "I always meet Danny, Jonathan and Harris on Sunday afternoons to practice on our own. We may take it a little too seriously, but, ya know, universities like that." I stood up, "ah, gotcha. That makes sense." Damn, Devin's a busy guy. But I like that he has ambition. He finished eating, scooped me up and kissed me. "I'll see you in class tomorrow, Lizzy and soon after, hopefully." I giggled, "bye!" Oh I was giddy. Giddy like a freaking school girl. Whatever that means.

I was doing the dishes when my mom walked in about 5 minutes after Devin left. I'm getting good at sneaking around. "Was that Devin leaving our street?" It seems I spoke too soon. I didn't look at her, "yes, it was." "I didn't realize you two were close. Are you dating?" I rolled my eyes and said "I don't know if you'd call it that but yes, we're seeing each other. It's new." My mom raised her eyebrows, "oh. That's nice. I'm sure Steph is thrilled. How does Bonnie feel about that?" A chill ran down my back and I suddenly got defensive. "It's really not her business, mom. It doesn't have anything to do with her." She sat down at the counter. "Okay, okay, fair enough. Hey look, I'm sorry about how I approached the subject of your father earlier. That wasn't right. But I wanted you to know so you wouldn't hate me as much anymore." I put the dishes down and turned to her. "Mom. Come on. You know I don't hate you. I just don't get you is all. And you don't seem to get me. We're so different and we don't understand each other. And that's okay. That's life. " She sat there for minute, smiled a very small smile, and said, "I promise you, Liz, whether you want to believe it or not, we're not all that different. You'll see it one day. Just be careful, Liz. With Devin and Bonnie, too. They're not like you." What the fuck did that mean? I put the soap down and went upstairs.

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