Chapter 25

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I wake up the same day at 7pm still in my dress and tights. I must've passed out from the whiskey. I don't even remember getting home. Ouch, my head. There's a full glass of water on my nightstand with a note beside it. It reads, "hey, Drunky Drunkerson, your mom and I went to dinner with Steph and her mother. There's cash in the kitchen drawer for pizza. Your mom isn't mad. Love, Dad." Lovely. I giggle. My dad is awesome. I change clothes and head downstairs to ordered that pizza.

I get on the phone and Mike's Pizza Pit puts me on hold. Someone knocks on the front door. I lol through the peep hole and it's Devin. I open the door and gesture to the phone, "on hold ordering pizza." He nods, "ah. I'll be on the couch." He's in gym shorts and an old t-shirt. He looks about as awful as I feel but still hot. I don't know how he does it. I order the pizza and the girl tells me it'll be here in 40 minutes.

I join Devin on the couch. "Hey, how's that evening hangover going? It's right on time for me." He laughs a tiny bit. "What the hell were we thinking?" He winces. "Jillian is a terrible influence." He cuts his eyes at me. "So are you, Lizzy Draper. Come here," He pulls me onto him and we start making out. I pull back, "Devin my parents will probably be home soon." He shakes his head, "Steph said they were going back to Jillian's house after dinner to help clean up. She said it would be awhile." I go back to kissing him. I feel better already. And before I can register what's happening our clothes are off and we're having sex on my living room couch. There's something so hot about doing this out the open where anyone could just walk in. I let everything go and I fuck Devin's brains out. It's fast and doesn't last long but that might be the best we've had. He must agree because between heavy breaths he says, "god...damnit. Holy...that was fucking hot." He looks over a me and smiles. "Yes it was," I agree. I look at the clock and say, "We've got 25 minutes til the pizza gets here." We jump up and run upstairs and do it again.

We eat our pizza and watch TV on the couch. It's so nice. I keep catching myself looking over at him and smiling. I never want this to end. I hate he's not following his dream for Auburn but I'm actually ecstatic he's staying so close. "Are you going back to school tomorrow?", I ask. He swallows pizza and says, "unfortunately. I have an exam first period but I Steph said she'd sign me out after if I wanted. What about you?" I shrug. "Ive finished my exams already and it's Friday, so I might see if Cathy will let me stay home. I really don't see the point. Graduation is in 2 weeks." He looks at his watch. "Fuck, I better go, Lizzy. I didn't realize it was 9:30. Oh, Brooks' parents are out of town this weekend. He wants everyone to come over Saturday night." I sit there excited and then immediately, I feel guilt. "What's wrong?" He sits back down. "I don't know how to go back to real life with Bonnie being, well, gone. It just doesn't seem right." He sighs, "I know. I feel the same way. We have to move on with our lives, though. She would want us to. We only have 2 weeks left of high school. We deserve a little fun, we can have fun and still remember her. It doesn't make us bad people, it makes us human." He scoot close to him. He's right. The world doesn't stop and we can't either. I still feel this weird sense of...shame. It's hard for me to shake. "It's just gonna take time," I say. He nods his head, "exactly. We are going to Brooks' party, and we're gonna drink and have a good fucking time." I smile and he kisses me. "Bye, baby. I'll call you tomorrow after my exam." I wave him off.

My parents get home shortly after as I'm still sitting on the couch. My dad sits next to me and squeezes me tight. Suddenly, it dawns on me that Devin and I just fucked on this couch hours ago and I cringe. "Hey, Scooter, you alright?", he asks. My mom chimes in, "yeah, Lizzy, how's the hangover?" I roll my eyes. "I'm fine. Thanks." She smirks. "Good. Because we have something to tell you." Oh, god. What the fuck else? She continues, "we've decided not to go through with the divorce." My jaw falls open. My dad says, "ever since Grandmother died, we've kind of been seeing each other. Quietly." I turn to him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He continues, "well we weren't sure if this would actually work out so we didn't want to tell you for nothing." I get that, but holy shit. My mom walks in and sits down next to him. "So... you're dating, then?" My mom laughs. "Yeah, I guess that's something to call it." No wonder she's been so much easier to get along with. "Don't worry, I'm not moving back in or anything. We're taking this pretty slowly before we make anymore life changes. I'm still staying at Grandmother's condo but I wanted to tell you because you'll be seeing more of me around the house." I get an epiphany and turn to mom. "Wait, so all those times you said you were going to Cindy's or meeting your friend from school, you were..", she interrupts, "yes. I was with Dad." I laugh. "Oh, my god. You guys are sneaky! Well done." They laugh and my dad says, "thank you?". I raise my eyebrows, "well, I'm happy for you guys. I really am." They look at each other and smile. "Okay, before this gets gross, I'm going to do some homework."

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