Chapter 31

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A week goes by and not much has changed. I've seen Devin almost everyday but really haven't seen my friends much. After graduation weekend a lot of our friends went to the beach with their families or with other friends. Samantha has been in Panama City Beach with Brooks and his family since the day after graduation. She gets back today. Jillian and I have talked on the phone a couple of times but she's been busy with Brendan and she's got a part time gig babysitting her neighbor's kids during the day which absolutely terrifies me.

Today is Sunday and I'm supposed to have dinner with Jillian and Sam tonight at the Ugly Duckling. I miss them. Devin and I have been great, we haven't talked about college again since the night of graduation and I don't want to bring it up. I'm hoping he won't either. I know it's just delaying the inevitable but why make ourselves miserable when we have two whole months?

It's nearly noon and I've done all my laundry, cleaned my bathroom, and organized my closet. I head downstairs to eat some lunch. My parents are in Charleston this weekend for my dad's best friend's wedding. They'll be back Tuesday. It's strange being here by myself. Devin stayed the night Thursday and Friday night and we had a great time just watching movies and being together. I made him dinner and it felt like we were living together. I loved every second. Last night, however, he went to a baseball game in Atlanta with some of his friends and they didn't get back to Bushnell until midnight so he stayed at Danny's house. Jillian and Sam are staying the night with me tonight.

I heat up some leftover spaghetti that I made for Devin and watch reruns of Friends. I decide to vacuum and clean the kitchen to pass the time. I haven't talked to Devin today, he called me when he got to Danny's last night and said he had plans with Steph today since his grandma just got into town. He didn't invite me but he does know that I already have plans so I'm fine with it.

I head back upstairs to get ready to meet the girls. I throw on denim shorts and a green spaghetti strap tank top. It's a million degrees today. I get to the diner at 6pm.

I'm here first so I get a booth in the back. I order a coke while I wait. The waitress knows me by name since Devin and I have come here so much since we started going out. Her name is Sandy and she has a deep Savannah accent that makes me smile.

The girls get there about 10 minutes after I do. I stand and hug both of them. "Oh, my god. I've missed you guys! How was the trip Sam?", I ask. She and Jillian sit across from me. "It was good. Jill, I haven't even told you this yet, so I got my period and I told Brooks about what happened with Jason." Jillian looks surprised. "We've been in the car for 15 minutes and you've said nothing about this, Sam. Explain," she says. "I was waiting for Lizzy." I stick out my tongue to Jillian, mockingly. Sam continues, "Well, we were out on the beach just the two of us and it had been such an amazing day. Brooks just happened to bring up his ex girlfriend, Lori Slate, and said they were still friends, and he was talking about how it's nice when exes can still be amicable when you share mutual friends and are around each other sometimes. I agreed and then he asked if I talked to Jason at all since we broke up. I told him we had talked a few times on the phone and he asked if he could come to my house to get some of his stuff he'd left over." Jillian interrupts, "my god, Sam, skip to the good part." I shoot Jillian a look. "Continue, Sam," I say as I put my hand up to Jillian. "So, I told him he came over and we ended up hooking up. He got really quiet and asked me when this happened. I told him it was only a couple of weeks into our relationship. I started to cry and I apologized for not telling him right away and said that Jillian told me not.." Jillian interrupts again and puts her palm to her forehead, "Samantha. Honey. Please tell me you did not tell that poor sweet boy that I told you to keep this from him." Samantha looks at Jillian apologetically, "yes, I did and I'm sorry! I was spiraling and it just came out. Anyway, we talked for a long time about it and I told him it was a one time thing and it will never ever happen again. He knows Jason was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, and well, my first everything and that I was confused. I told Brooks that I loved him and he forgave me. I feel so much better about it. It was eating me alive. We're doing great now," she smiles. Jillian's face is deadpan as she says, "marry him. He's a fucking saint. Did you tell him about the pregnancy scare? Tell me you didn't." Sam shakes her head, "god, no." I laugh, "I'm so glad you're not pregnant, Sam. I tried to keep my cool that night but I was freaking the fuck out and it wasn't even me." 

We order food and talk more. It's the best time I've had in weeks. There's nothing like being with my best friends. My cheeseburger comes and Jillian gets a hamburger steak. Samantha gets a chocolate shake with chicken fingers.

We get back to my house a little later and sit around the dining table. I make us some margaritas. We sit and talk for hours just laughing and reminiscing on our senior year. "I just can't believe this is it," Sam says. "It kind of freaks me out if I'm being honest," she continues. Brooks has the same plan as Devin, he didn't have the grades to get into the schools he wanted so he's going to tech for a year and plans to transfer to UGA as well. "The nice thing is, Sam, we can carpool together to come see the boys," I assure her. She nods in agreement. "And see me of course," Jillian adds. "Of course," I say and smile.

A little while later we head up to my room to get ready for bed. My bed isn't big enough for the three of us so we sleep in the guest room which has a king mattress. I go into the bathroom to wash my face while Jillian and Sam change. Jillian comes into the bathroom with me and locks the door behind her. "Just for a second," she says, as she leans me against the sink and we gently make out for a few minutes. She breaks the kiss and says, "I missed this." I breathe in and out, "so did I. Why don't you spend the night tomorrow night? Devin's grandma is in town." She kisses me again and says, "count me in, bitch," she turns around and smacks my ass. We giggle and return to the guest room where Sam is already passed out. We silently laugh. I grab Jillian's hand and back out of the room and get in my bed. "Why wait til tomorrow?" I say and get undressed again and have sex.

We lay there naked and Jillian says, "I'm pissed you're going so far away soon, we won't be able to do this anymore." I frown, "yeah I guess we won't. Honestly, it's probably for the best so it doesn't end up making things weird for us down the road." Jillian's nods, "yeah, you're right. I've been thinking about it for last week. Brendan says he's okay with it but I don't think he really is. I can just tell. Especially since I enjoy fucking you more than I do fucking him," she laughs. "You do?", I ask. "Yeah, I think it's just being with you, it's not complicated because there's no feelings. We want each other in the moment but afterwards we easily just go back to normal." I nod, "yeah, I agree with that. I feel the same. If it's starting to affect your relationship, maybe this should be it then. If I'm being totally honest, I don't love feeling like I'm hiding something from Devin. Which I'm really not, he knows we've hooked up but he definitely doesn't know the extent of it." Jillian scoots closer to me, "well if that's the case, we might as well fuck one last time and make it the best," she says as she kisses me. I don't hesitate, I pull her on top of me and grind my pussy into hers and fuck her as hard as I can. Her eyes go wide and she screams out. I put my hand over hers so Sam can't hear and we go even harder. We moan together. She climbs off of me and goes down on me, licking up and down and rubbing me. I can barely handle the sensation. I grip her hair and come undone. We kiss for a little while longer. "I'm going to miss the way you taste," she says. It makes me wet again. I push her hand to my pussy so she can feel. "Holy shit, Liz," she says as she rubs me. "Okay, just one more time and we go back to being sexless friends," I say. She laughs and we are back at it again. One last time.

After the last time, we dress and sneak back into the guest room where Sam hasn't moved. We slide in on either side and I pass out.

The next morning, I wake before them and make some pancakes and bacon. I put on a pot of coffee and have a cup before they both come down a little while later. "Okay, Liz. I didn't realize we were staying at a bed and breakfast. Thanks, bitch," Jillian says with a wink. Sam thanks me and we eat at the table talking more about the summer and school.

They leave shortly after and I miss Devin, and I'm thankful Jillian and I have agreed to stop hooking up. It was time. I pick up the phone and call him.

"Hey baby, did you have fun with the girls?", he asks.
"Yes, but I really miss you. I know you're with your family but..." he interrupts me.
"Say no more, they're driving me crazy. I'm on my way." I laugh and hang up the phone.

Devin comes over 20 minutes later and we sit on the couch and talk about our plans for the summer. "So we have the beach with my family mid July. Danny's got the pontoon we can all take out on the lake a few times. Would you be interested in camping at all?" I roll my eyes, "is that a serious question? No," I say. He laughs, "okay, noted. Just the boys then, got it."

We have a wonderful day together and he leaves in the evening.

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