Chapter-9: Initiating Contact

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Alisha's POV: 

 As we spoke to Siddharth and Rohan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and genuineness emanating from them.

They were unlike any seniors I had encountered before, their easygoing demeanor and friendly attitude putting me at ease.

As our conversation flowed effortlessly, I found myself opening up to them in a way I hadn't expected.

Siddharth's quiet confidence and Rohan's infectious laughter made it easy to forget that we had only just met.

Eventually, we bid them farewell and made our way back to our dorm.

As we changed into our night clothes, Nandani couldn't resist teasing me about my stumble earlier.

"Thanks for falling, Alishu. If you hadn't, Siddharth wouldn't have caught you, and I wouldn't have had the chance to talk to Rohan," she said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her teasing, responding with a melodramatic sigh. "Saali kutti ," I teased back, though a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

As we scrolled through the pictures from the party, I brought up the topic of messaging Rohan.

I watched as she blushed at the suggestion, unsure of what to say.

"What should I write?" she asked nervously, her fingers hovering over her phone.

"Maybe just start with a 'hi," I suggested, trying to ease her nerves.

"But girls aren't supposed to message first, broooo,"  Nandani protested, her cheeks flushing even more.

I couldn't help but laugh at her response. 

"Oh, shut up. If you like him, just do it," I encouraged her.

Nandani nodded, taking a deep breath before composing her message and hitting send. As we waited for a response, anticipation bubbled within us.


Siddhart's POV:

After the party, Rohan and I returned to our dorm, the echoes of laughter and music still lingering in the air.

As I changed into my night clothes, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of Alisha, her image etched in my mind like a beacon of light amidst the darkness.

Rohan, ever the joker, caught sight of my grin and couldn't resist teasing me.

"I just suggested talking to her, aur bhyii tune toh seedha pakad hi liya." he quipped, his laughter filling the room.

I shot him a playful glare, my cheeks flushing slightly at the teasing remark. "oyee,chup hoja" I retorted, though the corners of my lips betrayed my amusement.

He feigned hurt, his tone turning melodramatic.

"Now, my words will sound bad in front of your future wife," he lamented, his expression comically exaggerated.Unable to resist the opportunity to tease him back,

I jumped up from my seat and chased after him, our banter filling the room with laughter.

As we settled back down, Rohan broached the topic again, his voice more serious this time. 

"So, don't you wanna give it a shot?" he asked,

 his gaze searching mine for any hint of uncertainty. I hesitated, my mind swirling with doubts and insecurities.

"I don't know," I confessed, the weight of uncertainty heavy on my heart. 

"Maybe it's just an attraction."

Before I could voice my fears, my words faltered, lost in the web of my thoughts.

Rohan's response was characteristically optimistic, his suggestion sparking a glimmer of hope within me.

"How about you get to know her first, and then decide if it's attraction or destiny?"

he proposed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

"But how do I start a conversation? You know I'm shy," 

I admitted, the prospect of approaching Alisha filling me with a sense of apprehensions.

Rohan's phone buzzed with a message, interrupting our conversation.

His eyes widened in excitement as he saw the message, as if plan forming in his mind.

"I have an idea," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as he grabbed my phone and began typing furiously.

Intrigued, I watched as he worked his magic, curiosity bubbling within me at the prospect of what he had in store.



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