Chapter 35: Third Day

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Siddhart's POV:

As we reached our room, we found Shubham lounging on his bed, scrolling through his phone with a smug grin plastered on his face.

It instantly got under my skin, and I could tell Rohan felt the same way.

Shubham looked up and said, "Don't worry, guys, I didn't tell the teachers about you two sneaking out."

Rohan and I exchanged a glance, choosing to ignore Shubham's comment.

We knew he was trying to get a reaction out of us, but we weren't about to give him the satisfaction.

Instead, I walked over to my bed and saw my phone resting on the side table.

I realized I had forgotten to take it with me during our evening out, but it didn't matter now.

With a weary sigh, I settled into my bed, trying to shake off the annoyance of the day.

Rohan was already climbing under his covers, and we both prepared to rest up for the next day's adventures.

As I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think about how the day had ended and what tomorrow might bring.

*Next Day*

The third day in Mussoorie was filled with excitement as the group prepared for paragliding.

The morning was brisk and clear, the perfect weather for an adventure in the skies.

As we headed to the paragliding site, I could sense a mix of nervousness and excitement within our group.

Alisha was trying to keep her cool, but I could tell she was a bit apprehensive.

As we approached the site, Alisha turned to me with a mischievous grin and asked,

"So, Siddhart, are you ready to scream like a little girl?"

I laughed and replied, "Oh, you know it! We'll see who screams louder up there."

We both laughed, trying to ease the nervousness. The instructor gave us a quick safety briefing, and before we knew it, it was our turn to take flight.

As we ran down the hill, Alisha's excitement turned into a mix of fear and exhilaration.

"Siddhart, I feel like we're in one of those superhero movies!" she shouted as we lifted off the ground.

"Yeah, but in this one, the superheroes are terrified!" I shouted back, trying to lighten the mood.

As we soared through the sky, the breathtaking views momentarily made us forget our initial fears.

But as we hit a pocket of turbulence, Alisha let out a scream.

"Oh my god, this is insane!" she yelled, clutching her harness tightly.

I chuckled and replied, "Welcome to the skies, Alisha! Just don't forget to wave at the birds!"

Her laughter echoed through the air, and I couldn't help but join in.

Despite the moments of fear, we both found ourselves enjoying the ride.

The experience was incredible, and it was even better because we were sharing it together.

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