Chapter 28: So-called love rival

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Siddhart's POV:

After the class, as I was packing up my things, one of the teachers approached me with a proposition.
He suggested that I take on the role of president of the Photography Club.

Initially, I was hesitant, as I didn't feel particularly qualified for the position. However, he persisted, emphasizing the benefits it could bring for my future, especially during placements in my last year.

His words struck a chord, and although I wasn't particularly keen on the idea, I couldn't deny the potential advantages.

With a sigh, I agreed, reasoning that it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Besides, the teacher was doing me a favor by offering this opportunity.

He informed me that the first club meeting would be held in the garden, which gave me some time to prepare for my new role.

As I left the classroom, thoughts swirled in my mind about the responsibilities that lay ahead and how I could make the most of this unexpected opportunity.

As I reached the garden, I spotted Alisha among the students. Seeing her there filled me with a sense of satisfaction, reaffirming my decision to take on the role of president.

However, I noticed that she seemed a bit uncomfortable, perhaps because she didn't know many people there.

I approached her, and as soon as she learned that I would be teaching the class, her demeanor shifted to one of relief and happiness.

Even though she didn't say it directly, I could sense that she felt more at ease knowing that I would be there.

She joked about whether she should call me "sir," which brought a chuckle to my lips.

Before I could respond, Shubham, the library guy, interrupted, calling out to Alisha. My heart clenched at the sight of him, my so-called love rival.

Alisha's interaction with Shubham sparked a twinge of jealousy within me, but I suppressed it and shook his hand politely.

It took effort to maintain my composure, especially with him sitting beside her during the class.

Throughout the session, I made sure to engage with everyone, but my attention kept drifting back to Alisha and that moron.

Despite my efforts to stay focused, their interactions bothered me more than I cared to admit.

As I assigned the first task of capturing nature, I couldn't help but wonder about Alisha's choice of subject and how her photos would turn out.

After the class concluded, we exchanged farewells, but my mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Alisha and the unwelcome presence of Shubham.

After reaching the dorm, I changed and studied for a while until dinner time rolled around. Rohan and I shared a meal, exchanging laugh as usual.

"So, guess what, bhyii?" I began, trying to hide my irritation. "I somehow ended up being the president of the photography club."

Rohan raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Mr. President, huh? Looks like someone's moving up in the world," he teased, nudging me playfully.

I rolled my eyes, knowing Rohan wouldn't let me live it down. "Yeah, well, it wasn't exactly by choice," I admitted with a sigh. "But the real surprise was seeing Alisha there."

Rohan's eyebrows shot up in mock surprise. "Oh, Chandni in your photography class? What a coincidence," he remarked, grinning knowingly.

I nodded, feeling a bit flustered. "Yeah, and to top it off, Shubham was there too," I added, my irritation evident in my tone.

Rohan's grin widened. "Ah, the library guy strikes again," he said, shaking his head. "Looks like you've got some competition, Mr. President."

I scoffed, trying to brush off Rohan's teasing. "Competition? Oh, please. As if I need to compete with that guy. My Chandni will see through his act soon enough." I replied, though the knot of jealousy in my stomach begged to differ.

Rohan winked, giving me a knowing look. "Sure, buddy. Just keep telling yourself that."

As I was talking to Rohan, a message popped up on my phone. Seeing it was from Alisha brought a smile to my face, but of course, Rohan noticed.

"Ah, the Chandni effect strikes again," Rohan teased, nudging me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at his comment, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," I muttered, quickly opening the message from Alisha.

Alisha: Hey, guess what? I joined the photography club today!

Me: Really? That's awesome! Can't wait to see your stunning photos. When do we get to meet so can you capture me too? 😉

Alisha: sure! I'll make sure to capture your best angles.

Me: Bilkul ! So, how was your first day at the photography club?

Alisha: It was great! My senior Siddhart is actually the president of the club, and he'll be teaching us.

Me: Siddhart, huh? He seems like a pretty interesting guy. Did you enjoy the class?

Alisha: Yeah, he's really nice. The class was interactive.

Alisha: Aapka din kaisa Raha?

Me : just the usual college stuff. But hearing from you definitely made it better

Alisha: oh please 😂 Well, I should probably get some rest now. Goodnight Prem

Me: Goodnight Chandni

Hope you liked the chapter
Take care ❤️

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