Chapter 46: Did I overreact?

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Alisha's POV:

I reached my dorm after Shubham dropped me off at my hostel. I quickly changed into comfortable clothes and settled in for the evening when Nandani asked me about my date.

"How was your date with Shubham?" Nandani asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"It was good," I responded with a smile.

"We went to his mami's house for babysitting. Shubham and I had a nice time though."

Nandani grinned mischievously. "Ooh, that sounds sweet! Did anything romantic happen?"

I laughed at her teasing. "Nothing too dramatic -actually yes but I won't tell you"

We teased each other for a while before we both drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I got ready to go to the market with Nandani. As we were shopping, I bumped into someone, and to my surprise, it was Siddhart.

The moment I saw him, I quickly looked away, unable to hold his gaze. We stood in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

Finally, Siddhart spoke, but all I could manage was a nod. His words hurt me, and I wasn't ready to let them go.

A simple apology wouldn't heal the damage done, so I turned away and left him standing there.

I soon found Nandani struggling to carry a lot of shopping bags, which made me chuckle.

The sight helped me momentarily forget about the encounter with Siddhart. I rushed over to help Nandani, leaving my worries behind.

Later in the evening, a message from Shubham popped up on my phone:

Let's burn some calories, waiting for you at the main gate.

His words surprised me, and I replied,


He responded,

Let's go for a walk, dumb.

I sighed and shared the plan with Nandani, asking her, "Do I look okay?" She reassured me, saying, "More than just okay, babe. Go." So, I made my way down and found Shubham waiting.

He glanced at my attire and remarked, "You should have worn matching sweatpants, but never mind, let's go."

I nodded, although his comment didn't sit well with me. Ignoring it, we began our walk.

However, he was so quick that I struggled to keep up.

"Come on, you're too slow, Alisha," he teased.

I retorted, "It isn't my fault that you're quick," and settled on a nearby bench.

Shubham joined me, joking, "Oh, angry are we?" I didn't dignify that with a response and turned my face away.

He gently turned it back towards him, apologizing, "Okay, sorry. Let's continue." We walked for what felt like ages, eventually completing around 10,000 steps.

Believe me Or not that was tiring.

On our way back to the dorm, I noticed Shubham texting someone-
a girl.

He made no effort to hide the conversation.

"I'll come day after tomorrow," he typed.

I observed him silently, feeling a pang of curiosity. He noticed my gaze, held my hands and reassured me, "She's just a friend."

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