Chapter 55: Message from Kanha

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Siddhart's POV:

our first stop was the Banke Bihari temple. The crowd outside the temple was massive, with people bustling about, eager to catch a glimpse of the Kanha.

I heard someone advising Alisha to remove her glasses and warning us to safeguard our phones from the mischievous monkeys, but we brushed off the advice, determined to enjoy the experience.

Sure enough, as we made our way through the throng, a mischievous monkey snatched a pair of spectacles from a hapless visitor.

We watched in amusement as the monkey tried them on before eventually returning them in exchange for a frooti, he reminds me of Rohan.

Taking heed of the warning, we kept our phones safely in our pockets, and Alisha removed her glasses as we approached the temple entrance.

We joined the line to enter the temple, with me standing just behind Alisha and Rohan behind Nandani.

Together, we chanted "Radhe Radhe" and "Banke Bihari Laal ki Jai," the rhythmic repetition creating a sense of unity and serenity amidst the chaos of the crowd.

It felt as though time slowed down, and a sense of tranquility enveloped us even before we caught sight of the beloved Kanha.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached the entrance of the temple.

The crush of people made it impossible to even find space to set foot properly.

Everyone was pushing and jostling, each person eager to catch a fleeting glimpse of our beloved Kanha.

Despite the chaos, there was an undeniable sense of devotion and reverence in the air, as devotees from all walks of life came together to pay their respects.

Amidst the chaos of the crowded temple, I focused on protecting Alisha, ensuring that no one pushed or jostled her.

Together, we navigated through the throngs of people until we reached in the front.

And then, as I laid eyes on my beloved Kanha, everything else seemed to fade away into a blur.

Kanha was magnificent, his divine form captivating me in an instant.

His eyes, filled with love and compassion, held a beauty that rivaled even Alisha's.

I glanced at her, seeking her reaction, and saw her joining her hands in reverence, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I knew these tears were ones of pure joy, a manifestation of her deep love for Kanha.

As we offered our prayers, prasad, and flowers to the priest, an unexpected moment occurred.

One large flower garland landed around both Alisha's and my necks, binding us together in an unexpected embrace.

It felt like a divine blessing, a silent message from Kanha affirming our connection.

Blushing slightly, I whispered my thanks to Kanha, feeling a sense of gratitude for everything he had bestowed upon me.

"I trust you, Kanha," I murmured softly, my heart overflowing with faith and devotion.

After Nandani and Rohan completed their offerings, our hearts full of love and reverence for the divine.

The experience had brought us closer together.

We left the temple, stepping out into the bustling streets. Alisha and Nandani were immediately drawn to the stalls selling Kanha's attire and girl's accessories, their excitement palpable.

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