Chapter 66: I still love you

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Author's POV:

Alisha stormed out of the college fest, tears streaming down her face, her heart heavy with hurt and betrayal.

The lively music and laughter faded into the background as she hurried toward the hostel.

She didn’t even notice Nandani following her until she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Alisha, what happened?” Nandani asked, her voice filled with concern.

Alisha couldn’t hold back anymore. She collapsed into Nandani’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

Nandani guided her to a bench nearby and sat her down, holding her as she cried.

After a few minutes, Alisha managed to compose herself enough to speak.

I saw Siddhart with Maya. They came out of the bathroom together, and she was all over him. He was wiping her lipstick off, and then she kissed him. How could he do this to me, Nandani?”

Nandani’s eyes widened in shock. “Maya? My childhood friend?”

Yes,” Alisha choked out.

He said she was drunk and needed help, but it didn’t look like that to me. I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

Nandani hugged her friend tightly. “Oh, baby, Siddhart loves you. He wouldn’t intentionally hurt you.”

“I just don’t know what to think,” Alisha whispered. “I told him we need a break. I need to sort out my feelings.”

Meanwhile, Siddhart stood at the edge of the fest, his heart aching.

He watched helplessly as Alisha disappeared into the night. Rohan, who had noticed the commotion, walked over to him.

Bhai, what happened?” Rohan asked, concern etched on his face.

Siddhart’s shoulders slumped. “Alisha saw me with Maya. Maya was drunk, and I was just trying to help her, but it looked bad. Really bad. Now Alisha thinks I cheated on her.”

Rohan frowned. “What? Did you explain to her what happened?”

“I tried,” Siddhart said, his voice breaking. “But she wouldn’t listen. She was so hurt and angry. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to lose her.”

Rohan placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

You need to give her some time. Let her cool off and then try to talk to her again. She loves you, Siddhart. She’ll come around.”

The next day, Alisha and Nandani sat in their dorm room, the atmosphere heavy with tension. Nandani handed Alisha a cup of tea and sat beside her.

Alisha, I think you need to hear Siddhart out. I know it’s hard, but you both deserve a chance to explain and understand what really happened,” Nandani said gently.

Alisha nodded, her eyes still puffy from crying. “I know. I just need a little more time. I need to process everything.”

Over at the boys’ dorm, Siddhart was pacing back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of Alisha. Rohan sat on the edge of the bed, watching him.

You can’t keep beating yourself up over this, Sid. Mistakes happen. The important thing is to show Alisha that you’re sorry and that you love her,” Rohan said.

Siddhart stopped pacing and sighed. “I know, but what if she doesn’t forgive me? What if I’ve lost her forever”

Rohan stood up and faced his friend.

You won’t know unless you try. Alisha is hurt, but she loves you. Give her some space, and then talk to her. Be honest and sincere. She’ll see that.”

In the following days, Alisha and Siddhart confided more in their friends. Nandani continued to support Alisha, helping her navigate through her emotions.

I remember when you first told me about Siddhart,” Nandani said one evening as they sat on the rooftop, looking at the stars. “You were so happy and in love. Don’t let one misunderstanding ruin everything. Talk to him when you’re ready.”

Alisha sighed. “You’re right. I do love him. I just need to hear his side of the story.”

Meanwhile, Rohan kept encouraging Siddhart, pushing him to stay hopeful and patient.

Remember how you felt when you first saw Alisha? How she made you feel alive and happy? Hold onto that,” Rohan said one night as they played a video game.

Siddhart smiled faintly. “Yeah, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I won’t give up on us.”

Finally, after a week of reflection and with her emotions more in check, Alisha decided it was time to confront Siddhart. She told Nandani of her decision.

I’m going to talk to him. I need to know the truth,” Alisha said firmly.

Nandani hugged Alisha. “Good. I’m here for you, no matter what.”

Alisha found Siddhart in the college garden, sitting alone on a bench, looking lost in thought. She took a deep breath and walked over to him.

Siddhart,” she called softly.

He looked up, his eyes lighting up with a mix of hope and relief. “Alisha. Thank you for coming.”

They sat down together, the tension palpable. “I need to know what really happened,” Alisha said, her voice trembling slightly.

Siddhart took her hands in his, his eyes sincere.

“She was drunk and needed help. I was just trying to get her to the washroom to clean up. There was nothing more to it, I swear. I love you, Alisha. Only you.”

Alisha looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit but found none. “Siddhart. But it hurt so much seeing you with her.”

I know, and I’m so sorry,” Siddhart said, his voice breaking. “I never wanted to hurt you. Please, give me another chance.”

Alisha took a deep breath, her heart still aching but slowly beginning to heal. “Okay, Siddhart. Let’s take it one step at a time. I still love you.”

Siddhart’s face broke into a relieved smile. “Thank you, Alisha. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

They hugged, holding each other tightly, both feeling the love they shared but knowing that rebuilding trust would take time.

Nandani and Rohan watched from a distance, smiling, knowing that their friends had taken the first step towards healing.

Yaahoo everything is solved they are back.

Next or you can say the last chapter is going to be 17 + yaah it's sid and alisha's  finally🤭.

(Last chapter Update tomorrow)

So stay tuned guysss

Take care❤

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