Chapter11: Nandani's Excitement

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Nandani's POV:

As Alisha drifted off to sleep, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. With a sudden burst of energy, I let out a scream that echoed through the dorm.

"Why are you screaming? Let me sleep," Alisha groaned, pulling her comforter over her head in an attempt to block out the noise.

"But Rohan replied, ahhh!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

Her words made Alisha sit up straight, her curiosity piqued.

"Really? Then enjoy and stop screaming. Let me sleep, yrrr,"

she grumbled, clearly not as thrilled about the late-night revelation as I was.

Ignoring her protests, I eagerly opened the message from Rohan, a smile spreading across my face as I read his flirtatious words.

Rohan: Hey there, sleeping beauty! 😜

Me: Haha, very funny. I was wide awake until your message lit up my screen! 😉

Rohan: Well, I couldn't resist messaging the cutest girl at the party😊

Me: Flattery will get you nowhere, mister! But seriously, thanks for making tonight even more memorable.

Rohan: Anytime! So, what are you up to? Besides being the life of the party in your dreams😂

Me: Just trying to recover from all the dancing. I think I might have two left feet!

Rohan: Nah, you were killing it out there! But if you ever need a dance partner, you know who to call 😎

Me: Oh, stop it, you! Your cheesy lines are almost as bad as your dance moves 😜

Rohan: Ouch, that hurts! But hey, at least I made you laugh, right? 😉

Me: Yeah

Rohan:  I've got a serious question for you... Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears 😂

Me: Haha, nice try! But I'm not falling for your charm that easily. Besides, you're the one who vanished after the party! 🙄

Rohan: Touche! let's make up for lost time. How about a date tomorrow ?

Me: okk done! 😜

Our playful banter continued late into the night, filling the dorm with laughter and excitement as we exchanged messages.


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Take care ❤️

Hope you liked the chapterTake care ❤️

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