Chapter 38: "You're disturbing me"

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Siddhart's POV:

After seeing Alisha, my Chandni, with Shubham, I felt a deep sense of disheartenment and betrayal.

I couldn't bear the sight of them together, and before I knew it, the bouquet slipped out of my hands, falling to the ground like my shattered hopes.

I made my way back to the hotel, but my mind was clouded with confusion and pain.

I sat on the bed, trying not to cry, but the sadness weighed heavily on me. I barely heard Rohan's voice as he entered the room, asking,

"Kaisa raha bhai?" I couldn't respond, too consumed by my thoughts.

I was lost in my misery, unable to process anything. Rohan's voice reached me again, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look at him, and without thinking, I hugged him tightly, letting my tears flow. "Tera bhai bahut unlucky hai, yaar," I cried out.

Rohan held me as I wept, his support offering me some solace.

"Kya hua? Tell me, Siddhart," he urged, trying to understand my pain.

I recounted everything I had witnessed at the lakeside, telling him about Alisha and Shubham laughing and embracing each other, how Shubham's smirk seemed to taunt me.

"I thought Alisha was meeting me there," I explained, my voice trembling.

"I thought there was something special between us, but she was with him the whole time. Why would she do this to me?"

Rohan listened patiently, but when I finished, he tried to defend Alisha.

"Siddhart, yaar, I think there might be some misunderstanding here," he said gently.

"Alisha isn't the type to play with people's emotions. Maybe there's more to the story than what you saw."

But I shook my head, unable to accept his words.

"No, Rohan. I saw them with my own eyes. How can there be a misunderstanding? She was supposed to meet me, not him. How could she be with him?"

"You don't know the full story. There could be an explanation for what you saw." Rohan reasoned

But I shook my head, not ready to listen.

"I know what I saw, Rohan. They were laughing together like nothing was wrong, and Shubham's smirk-it's like he knew he had won. I can't believe Alisha would do this to me."

Rohan tried to reason with me, "Maybe there's something else going on, Siddhart. Don't jump to conclusions without talking to her first."

But my pain and disappointment were too raw. "No, Rohan. I don't think I can face her after this. It feels like she played with me"

Rohan could see how distraught I was and tried to comfort me, but I was too consumed by my emotions to think clearly.

The image of Alisha with Shubham haunted me, and I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and heartache.

Was Alisha always interested in Shubham?

Was everything between us a lie?

Was our talks and moments together meaningless?

I don't understand what I did wrong.

I don't know if I can handle this pain anymore.

As I was lost in my thoughts, we suddenly heard a knock on the door.

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