Chapter 42: Miss Playgirl

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Siddhart's POV:

As the man introduced the new activity of a couple photoshoot, I found myself rolling my eyes a bit.

I had mentally prepared myself for another round of watching them be cozy, but to my surprise, the speaker announced the pairings and my name was called alongside Alisha's.

A wave of shock washed over me as I saw the look on Shubham's face-he clearly didn't expect this pairing either.

He seemed visibly upset, his expression a mix of jealousy and confusion.

Meanwhile, I was caught between amusement at Shubham's reaction and concern for how awkward this photoshoot might be.

Alisha seemed a bit surprised too, but she quickly composed herself and gave me a friendly smile.

I was caught off guard when we were instructed to look into each other's eyes with love.

It felt ironic, considering the circumstances between Alisha and me. But I decided to follow through, looking into her eyes with all the love I had for her.

Alisha seemed hesitant, not fully committing to the task. The man in charge noticed and urged us to do it properly.

Knowing Alisha's situation with Shubham, I understood why she was holding back, but I couldn't let my reputation as the club in-charge suffer.

So, I pulled her close by her waist, bringing her body against my chest and lifting her gaze to mine.

As we held eye contact, a surge of emotions washed over me. There was so much I wanted to ask her, so much I wanted to tell her.

Something flickered in her eyes-maybe love, or maybe it was my heart trying to believe in something that wasn't there. The man said "perfect," but we didn't move.

Suddenly, Shubham stepped in, breaking the moment. "That's enough!" he exclaimed, his tone sharp and possessive.

"You two can stop now. Alisha, let's go." His interruption brought an end to our gaze, and Alisha stepped away from me, leaving me with a mix of emotions to process.

I watched as Alisha walked away with Shubham, feeling a surge of jealousy that I couldn't suppress.

It was difficult to watch her leave with him, knowing that there was a time when I thought we could have been something more.

I needed answers, so when she returned after changing back into her regular clothes, I pulled her aside.

"Why? Why are you with him?" I asked, my tone filled with tension. Alisha looked at me with confusion.

"Sid?" she asked, clearly taken aback.

My grip on her arm tightened as I pulled her closer.

"Sid, it's hurting. Please leave me," she said.

I pulled her closer, my frustration taking over "And what do you think? It doesn't hurt me seeing you with that bastard. Tell me, why him?"

Alisha managed to push against my chest. "You have no right to say anything to him and it's None of your business, and why do you care? "

I couldn't hold back my frustration. "Are you serious? I didn't know you would turn out to be a playgirl!"

My words cut deep, and Alisha looked hurt. "How dare you say that? What did I even do?"

I laughed bitterly. "Oh Miss Playgirl doesn't even know what she did?"

Alisha's anger flared, and she slapped me hard across the face.

"You are not the person I thought you were. You disappoint me."

I stood there, stunned and hurt by her reaction. As she turned and walked away, I said quietly,

"You are neither the person I thought you were."

Her words and actions left me feeling a mix of regret and loss, knowing that our relationship had reached a point of no return.

watching Alisha walk away left me with a heavy heart and a strong sense of frustration.

I vowed never to talk to her again she seemed selfish to me. It was clear that any hopes I had of repairing our relationship were dashed.

When I reached my dorm, Rohan was there, studying. He looked up from his books and asked, "Did you talk to her?"

I gave him a brief rundown of everything that had transpired, including the heated argument and the slap. He seemed taken aback by my account.

"You did what? Bro, you messed up seriously," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter now," I said, my tone resigned. "She said it's none of my business, so I won't say anything more. I'll keep my distance."

Rohan started to say something, but I raised my hand to stop him. "You pushed me to talk to her, and I did. Now don't try to push me into anything else."

Rohan paused, taking in my words. He could see that I was hurting, but he also understood my desire to move on. He gave me a small nod, showing that he respected my decision.

As I settled in my room, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. But for now, I knew I needed to focus on my own path and let Alisha go.

It was time to put my energy into other aspects of my life and try to find peace.

Hope you liked the chapter
Take care ❤️

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