Chapter 50: The Revenge

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Siddhart's POV:

As I approached the figure in the garden, the soft pitter-patter of rain against my umbrella seemed to echo my pounding heart.

There, amidst the gentle drizzle, sat a girl, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. With each step closer, my concern deepened.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked gently, my voice barely louder than the falling raindrops.

The girl turned, revealing tear-streaked cheeks, and my heart twisted at the sight of Alisha, her eyes filled with pain.

"Alisha, why are you crying? What's wrong?" I questioned, my words tinged with worry.

Did someone hurt her?Was she in physical pain? Or was it something else entirely? I needed to know, needed to understand her anguish.

Her cries grew louder, her distress palpable in the air. I knelt beside her, reaching out instinctively to comfort her.

"Alisha, I'm here. Please, tell me what happened," I pleaded, my voice laced with desperation.

Before I could say more, she threw her arms around my neck, her sobs wrenching at my heart.

"It's okay. I'm here," I murmured softly, holding her close, wishing I could take away her pain with just a simple embrace.

Suddenly, her body went limp in my arms, and panic surged through me.


I exclaimed, my heart pounding in my chest. Without a moment's hesitation, I lifted her gently, cradling her against me as I hurried towards the parking area where Rohan waited.

As we reached the parking area, I spotted Rohan standing outside, leaning against the car and engaged in a phone call.

Rushing over to him, his shocked and worried expression mirrored my own concern.

"What happened to her?" Rohan asked, his voice filled with apprehension.

I wasted no time in explaining the situation, urgency lacing my words,

"Call Nandani and let her know that Alisha is unconscious. We're taking her to their dorm. Make sure no one sees us."

Rohan nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Did you hear that, Nandani? Okay, we'll be there in 10 minutes," he confirmed, then opened the back door of the car.

Carefully, I lifted Alisha and placed her on the seat, sitting beside her, unwilling to leave her side even for a moment.

Thoughts raced through my mind, questions swirling in a tumultuous whirlwind.

What had happened to Alisha?

Why was she crying so bitterly?

Arriving at their dorm, I cradled Alisha in my arms, her unconscious form a weight of worry on my heart.

We noticed the absence of a security guard at the gate, adding to the air of unease that surrounded us.

Slowly, we made our way to her room, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on us with each step.

Knocking softly, Nandani opened the door, her expression a mix of concern and relief upon seeing us with Alisha.

We entered the room, and Nandani closed the door behind us.

Gently, I laid Alisha on the bed, her clothes drenched from the rain.

Rohan and I retreated to another room while Nandani tended to Alisha, helping her change.

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