After Death (Hermitcraft Season 10)

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Double Life/Hermitcraft 10

Joel x Etho (Boat Boys)

Etho grabbed Joel's hand as he spotted the portal back to the overworld, pulling his soulmate forward in excitement. He sighed and started walking faster, glad to get away from the stuffy heat of the nether. Etho turned around to see Joel's face lit up with mischief as he smiled unashamedly at him. Etho blushed softly under his mask as Joel's cocky grin widened. He was secretly glad that his face was covered so that Joel couldn't see his face heat up.

"Do you think the portal's trapped?" Joel said worriedly as they approached the swirling door.

"I don't think so." Etho said, dropping Joel's hand and checking around the frame.

"I don't know what to do." Joel admitted stepping up to the portal.

"I'll go in unison with you." Etho promised, grabbing Joel's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Thanks." Joel said with a smile, standing up on his tippy toes to kiss Etho on the cheek.

The pair walked up to the portal, and Joel rubbed his thumb over Etho's knuckles comfortingly. They exchanged a glance before stepping through the portal. The swirling purple mist accepted them, pulling them back into the overworld.

When Etho arrived, he was greeted by a heat even greater than that of the nether. Etho felt the burns spread over his whole body, scorching up his back and arms, and he let out an involuntary gasp of pain. Etho suddenly felt Joel appear beside him, and he winced as he started to feel Joel's pain as well. His soulmate let out a cry of pain as he fell into Etho's side.
Etho held Joel close, trying to keep his soulmate away from the pressing heat.

"Etho get back through!" Joel yelled, trying to push Etho back through the portal.

"I'm staying with you." Etho promised as another flair of pain burned up his back.

Joel winced and buried deeper into Etho's side. Etho reached out and ran his fingers through Joel's hair, trying to calm him down.

"I love you, Etho." Joel whispered, and Etho could feel the life slipping out of them.

"I'll see you again." Etho promised as the flames burned, if possible, even brighter.

Joel gripped Etho tightly as the fire engulfed them, a bright white light shining on all sides. Etho closed his eyes as the light became too much. Suddenly, he felt a force wrap around him and Joel pulling them up and away from the burning fire. Etho heard Joel sigh as all of the pain left their bodies. All Etho could think about was keeping a hold of Joel. They had just died, and he didn't want to go back to Hermitcraft if Joel didn't come with him. Suddenly everything went dark and quiet.

Etho couldn't see anything. He couldn't hear anything either. In the darkness, he didn't know how much time had passed. All he knew was the feeling of Joel in his arms and the need to keep him there.

Suddenly, Etho felt a strong breeze rush over him and in-between him and his soulmate. The wind began to push them apart, and Etho began to panic. He heard Joel whimper in fear as his arms were pulled away from their rightful place around Joel. Etho fought back, pulling Joel close to him as he was pulled out of the darkness into light.

Etho was suddenly dropped out of a portal and onto the cool grass gasping in pain as it combated his burns. Etho winced as he heard Joel groan in pain and convulse in his arms. Carefully, Etho looked up and squinted as the sunlight burned his eyes.


Etho groaned and felt a hand lay on his back. He looked beside him in surprise and saw Xisuma kneeling beside him with a concerned look on his face.

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