If The World Was Ending (Hermitcraft Season 8/9)

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Listen, glowingqcasxo requested a Pearl x Gem oneshot. This was like four MONTHS ago. And I didn't know how to make it in the life series, so I'm making it in Hermitcraft. Sue me. Since this is for glowingqcasxo, and I know they haven't watched Hermitcraft season 8 or 9 (I'm not creepy this was said in a comment, and I do want them to read it), I'll include a bit of a summary about the end of Hermitcraft season 8. This if for them and anyone else who hasn't seen Hermitcraft season 8.

So basically, the moon gets big and really close to the world, and blocks start flying, and the world starts ending and all storts of bad stuff. And a bunch of hermits find different ways to escape. Pearl (with Grian, Scar, Mumbo, and Impulse) leaves on a rocket, while Gem goes on a deer. And then the moon crashes into the world and destroys everything. Um, yeah! Anyway, it's time for the story!

Hermitcraft Season 8/9

Pearl x Gem

Gem walked over to her balcony and stared up at the moon. Normally, this would've been a calming scene, the moon bright in the sky, the stars twinkling, and the calm of the night. But this was everything but. The moon was about five times larger than it should have been, and its light was drowning out the stars. Gem shivered at the thought of the moon, for what had once been a beautiful thing in everyone's life was now a promise of death and destruction.

Gem knew that the time was coming soon when everyone would have to leave. False was already talking about it with Stress, and she didn't want this world to end. She had friends, a life, progress to make, and most importantly, Pearl.

Her best friend, her ride or die, her crush. She loved Pearl, her fellow newbie, and she thought that she would've had more time to work up the courage for a confession. But alas, the moon had other plans. And if Gem wanted to tell the Australian the truth, she would have to do it before the moon ripped her life apart.

As Gem made her decision, she placed her hand onto the railing and jumped over the edge of the balcony, spreading her wings to catch herself before she hit the ground. She released a rocket, and she sped forward through the sky, dodging the flying pieces of earth and ground. She hoped with all her heart that she wasn't too late, she knew that the people of Boatem were planning to take a rocket to escape and she didn't want Pearl to leave without knowing.

Soon Boatem came into view, and Gem winced at the devastation that used to be Pearl's home. She landed at the base of Pearl's mountain and looked around for the brunette.

"Pearl?" Gem called, hoping in her heart of hearts that she wasn't too late.

She looked around for her friend and dread settled in her stomach. Pearl was gone. Just as Gem was about to give up, she turned around to see a familiar face.


"Pearl." Gem breathed, racing over and flinging herself into Pearl's waiting arms.

"Gem what are you doing here?" Pearl asked as Gem pulled her closer. "Grian's predictions have the moon crashing in less than an hour."

"I just needed to say goodbye." Gem whispered, and Pearl seemed to soften. "And I needed to tell you something."

"I'm all ears." Pearl said, taking a step back from Gem.

"I-" Gem's voice broke, and she wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly shy.

"Gem are you okay?" Pearl asked, and Gem shook her head.

Pearl didn't need anything else. She reached over to Gem and pulled her into a hug. Gem reciprocated the action, and she felt the tears pool in her eyes as she desperately tried to blink them away. Pearl rubbed soft circles and whispered softly to Gem, holding the shorter hermit close.

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