The Ghost Likes You And So Do I (Phasmophobia)

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Oh my God. Ya'll I'm back! I'm not dead! I've just been working on my other book (*cough cough* go check it out *cough cough*), and I bet you think I'm going to be back with something brand new and never seen before-

And you would be dead wrong. *Throws GIGS*



Grian nodded his head softly to the song he was listening to as he walked into his workplace. He pushed the door open and pulled off his headphones to be greeted by someone calling his name.


Grian looked up to see Scar running towards him with a broad smile on his face. Impulse and Skizz were standing behind arguing about thermometers.

"Hey Scar!" Grian said with a smile.

Scar reached over to grab onto Grian's hand, pulling him over to the truck. Grian felt his face light up red. He'd always been like this with Scar. He didn't know why, but he did. Scar began to ramble about a Star Wars thing that he'd seen recently while Impulse and Skizz debated over the smudge sticks. Grian took the time Scar was occupied with Star Wars to just watch him.

Grian admired Scar's brown hair, his green eyes, his bright smile, and as he did, he wondered why he was. He didn't like Scar, sure he was bright and cheerful and kind and caring and amazing, but Grian didn't like him.

"Grian?" Scar asked, waving his hand in front of Grian's face. "You good?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine!" Grian said, blushing softly.

"Alright guys we've only allotted a few minutes for cute flirting, so can we wrap this up?" Impulse called, and Skizz let out a bark of laughter. "We've got number ten Ridgeview Court to hit up."

Grian quickly let go of Scar's hand blushing while Scar laughed and smiled brightly at Impulse.

"Come on, Debbledot!" Skizz cried, running towards the van. "Scarface you and I will drive!"

"Skizz get back here!" Grian yelled, "The back of the van is a mess, and you were supposed to clean it!"

Skizz sighed and plodded to the back of the van, and Grian smiled triumphantly.

"When we get back, I'll clean it." Grian promised, and Skizz grinned.

"Oh I'm going to make it hell for you!" Skizz cried happily, and Grian smiled.

"I have no idea how Gem puts up with you." Grian laughed, and Skizz turned red.

"I'm not like this with her because I don't want to be single." Skizz said with a smile. "She'd kill me if I left anything out of place. Did you know she has a calendar for everything she does! Visiting her family, on the calendar, dinner with me, on the calendar. I don't know how she's that organized!"

"How she started dating you of all people is a mystery even the most intelligent will never solve." Grian smiled, grabbing a smudge stick and holding it up like a wand.

"Hey you shut up!" Skizz yelled angrily.

"Now you're distracting me, clean the van." Grian ordered, waving the smudge stick around.

"Yes." Skizz sighed, and Grian giggled at his tone.

"I didn't hear a 'sir' at the end of that comment." Grian said as his shoulders shook with laughter.

"Yes sir." Skizz said as he grabbed a handful of discarded technology off the floor.

"Much better." Grian laughed, sitting down on his chair by the monitor.

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