4 ~ "It all started with Professor Snape"

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“I'm off Mrs Mehta,” I said to my Aunt after dumping her empty plate into the sink.

“Oh wait, Ahana—” Mrs Mehta stopped as she reached the door. She pointed her finger towards the sink. “You should wash your plates before going. I told you, remember. You tend to forget it,” she said with fake, wide smile.

I cringed at her words but remained calm. Seriously, it was just a goddamn plate and spoon. I forced a smile. "Sorry Aunty, I completely forgot. I'll wash it right away," I said as I placed my handbag on the sofa and rushed to the kitchen. Fatso.

While on my way downstairs, I started thinking about ways to live separately. It's not like they were being rude to me. They are fine but whenever Mrs Mehta would get cozy around her husband and kids, I would feel out of place. Besides, they hardly ever involved me in anything. That was quite understandable too but it didn't stop me from feeling lonely. Which was exactly why I stayed inside my room to avoid being the third wheel in their family. I just couldn't understand why my parents insisted on staying with them, even if they were on good terms. I didn't like the idea of the hostel either since I'll be forced to abide by their rules then. Maybe I should live in Lisa's house. Knowing her, she wouldn't mind at all. Or maybe live in the dorm with Pragya. But the thought about living and adjusting with someone else made me uncomfortable. I would actually prefer to live alone if I wanted to. I and my privacy were in a fling with each other. On that note, living with my Aunt might not be such a bad thing after all.

If only Hagrid or that Doffy from the Harry Potter would have rescued me from this house and taken me to the magical school of Hogwards, my life would have been a hundred times exciting. Okay, now I was exaggerating but one could always dream, right?

As I stepped out of the building, I looked up at my reflection in the mirror like wall and sighed. Oh no, not again. I ended up wearing my top on the wrong side. Again. Silly me. "Fuck, I am already getting late for college," I muttered while entering the building again. I walked up to the elevator with a mind blowing idea in my head.

I mentally rejoiced when I noticed the second elevator being empty. Seems like luck was on my side today. I went inside the elevator, pressed five and mentally prayed for no one to come to this elevator in the meantime. The elevator started moving upwards.

Okay, one... two... three... wham! I chanted inside my mind and removed my top quickly then flipped onto the right side. So far so good. When I pushed the top down my head, I noticed the elevator coming to an halt on the fourth floor. I felt like my heart would leap out of my mouth any second now. Quickly, I pulled my top down the waist. By the time the doors opened, I had successfully managed to fix my top. No one had suspected a thing. I stood against the wall of the elevator feeling like a mothereffing queen.

Saved... Barely saved.

If I wasn't so late before then I was definitely late now. The bitch of a traffic just had to interfere today of all days. I was beginning to wonder if perhaps the order of the world was getting disturbed. Then again, this world was never in order... except for the daily routine. I rushed through the corridor of the college building, my mind filling with baseless philosophies, assignments and the constant worry of the teacher not allowing me to class. I ran past people unaware of the voice calling out to me.

“Ahana...” the person called my name and I jerked my head, instantly recognizing that voice.

I saw Vansh heading towards me from the opposite side but I was walking so fast that I ended up bumping right into his hard frame. A fresh wave of cologne filled my nose as I came in contact with his chest. Both of us distanced ourselves, soon after we fashionably collided.

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